The "they" may be just CISRI who is one among other suppliers. The report says some share of 20 to 50%. So we may be seeing 10 to 25 engines per year through 2026.
We should also keep in mind that, this is a projection (wish) of the said company regarding their own share of the work. It does not reflect the overall WS-15 pre-production volume.
Yes, there are a few important things to clarify or to ponder, I think.
1: what equipment exactly is this company likely to supply?
2: is this company likely to be the only supplier for this type of equipment
3: what does it mean when it says market share of 20%, then 30%, then 50%?
- Because in that table, for each year the WS-15 and WS-19 is the same, so I'm not sure why the market(share?) changes from 20% to 30% and then 50%
- Furthermore, if the "market(share) row is meant to represent what proportion of the "market" the company is supplying, then would a shift from 20% to 30% to 50% (while the each yearly WS-15 and WS-19 supply is the same) suggest that the overall yearly WS-15 and WS-19 supply is reducing???
- So looking at it, to be honest I'm not sure how to make heads or tails of this table.