Lieutenant General
A monumental development historic first Here is another one from Oedo

Screw up or not, it's just semantics. Fact is WS-10 for a first turbofan is still useful for PLAAF. They went with this setup over two smaller and lower thrust engines ................................
From Oedo
The CJ-1000A aims to complete the trial of the prototype (CJ-1000AX) in 2018, will conduct a test flight in C919 in 2022, plan to acquire the model certificate in 2025. The CJ - 1000A is 13000 kgf class high bypass turbofan engine, technically became the same generation as CFM LEAP.
Following the CJ-1000A, the CJ-1000B equipped with an extended cruise distance C919 will acquire model certification in 2026. CJ - 2000 as a candidate for onboard engine of CR 929 will be designed before 2020, plan to test prototype in 2022, plan to acquire type certificate 2030 years ago. CJ is the meaning of the Yangtze River.
How come China suddenly will have one of the most sophisticated civilian turbofan engines in the world ... if it is true the same generation as CFM LEAP
The engine looks extremely good though ...