Good news, but 30 years late.
Not really 30 years ago China doesn't have the money , the industrial base, the hundred of top notch scientist, engineer, aerodynamic, material scientist
Basically the aero engine development run on shoe string budget spread over 2 or 3 design institute tie in to the Plane designer. Depriving them of long range planning of building tech demonstrator, before attempt to build prototype.
The capitalization of the new company is less than 20 billion US$ . Just Pratt and Whitney alone spend more than 30 billion US$ developing one engine. How about GE, Rolls Royce, SAFRAN?.
Another thing is technology and people diffusion. Japan or US, Europe has the aggregated design experience of the whole western world at their disposal. When Mitsubishi need new material for their rotor axle they license it from Swedish company Sandvik. China is excluded, verboten
We see that in the development of WS10