hey, the engine nozzles do look different, but are you sure this is using WS-10A. If it is J-10B as they are claiming, wouldn't it make sense to start testing with AL-31 first?
hey, the engine nozzles do look different, but are you sure this is using WS-10A. If it is J-10B as they are claiming, wouldn't it make sense to start testing with AL-31 first?
The fact that the ws-10a has not equipped the j-10's and the fact that the j-11b production has not gone off the roof, we can conclude that at the moment their are no significant breakthrough in the engine's development.
China should award the simultaneous research and development of a comparable engine to another engine research company. The idea is to promote the faster development of a comparable engine through internal competition.
Relying solely on the directions and idea of shenyang-liming through the years has failed to produce an acceptable engine for the PLAAF and the export market.
because they've already started mass production of WS-10A as stated in numerous AVIC 1 articles. I doubt those engines are just sitting there with no takers. And no, they don't have enough of those spare engines lying around. As for design vs production certification, I think one is supposed to allow for initial mass production and the other is after a while of usage, they sort out a lot of the problems so that it's mature, then they finalize on the version that has all the problems solved.I don't think its authoritative either. The only thing that really bothers me though is the fact that there is no concrete evidence that the WS-10A is being equipped on J-11B's. I mean, it's probably true, but I would like to have at least some evidence before I assume it to be. After all, how do we know that J-11B's are not being produced using the spare AL-31F's from the J-11A's? I know thats a stretch, but I suppose it's all up in the air (no pun intended)
As far as design certification verses production certification...what exactly is the difference? Because as I pointed out a few months ago, the number of static vanes on the WS-10A changed from 2006 to 2008. Why certify a design as "complete" only to change it? Why certify a design that has quality issues at all? I suppose that maybe the quality issues a result of production problems and not with the engine design itself. Perhaps they are having trouble producing high quality single-crystal compressor blades.