The issue here isn't about rights to express opinion. Certain individual got his chance to claim Chinese were shopping for Russian engines already, so he already exercised his rights of expression. This issue is this individual cannot accept opinions contrary to his. Worse, this individual has often shown to lack support for his claims, and sometime shown to contradict facts altogether. What this individual shows is an insistent of preaching religiously, which has led him to be banned from multiple forums already.
I for one, am glad that his ass is gone from our forums as well.
Anyway, here are some diagrams I have meant to post for some time. The first is a general time line of various aero-engines in China. From bottom to top, the rows can loosely be interpreted as near-term goals, medium-term goals, and long-term goals. If WS** corresponds to WS-15, then testing should start by 2014. Reliability testing should start from 2016.
The second diagram is similar to the first, except things are arranged into columns now. From left to right are near-term goals, medium-term goals, and long-term goals. Again, these are loose interpretation. Here, we actually see WS-15 in the category of near-term goals.
The third diagram has explanation of near-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. We also see that China is undertaking 22 jet engine projects simultaneously, while the US has 30 jet engine projects. Of the Chinese projects, 14 of them are in [engineering] development, 4 are core engines undergoing development, and the remaining 4 are in preliminary research phase.
Finally, see see a time line of a typical aero-engine project. From concept to deployment, it typically takes 30 years to complete. So before people use the lack of news on WS-15 to argue that WS-15 project is in trouble, they need to realize things must take their natural course even when everything is working according to plans.
Tags: China; Chinese aero-engine projects; WS-10; WS-15; development time lines; long-term goals; medium-term goals; near-term goals; official presentation slides;