"All 'natural law' actually result of repeated observation, and if an observation has the same expected result (by the theory) again and again, then after six sigma confidence it become 'natural law'."Can you please point out where I said that the economics laws are like natural laws?
This is literally the first sentence of your last post. Are you brain-dead?
Yeah, your last sentence, in English, indicates that you think that theories observed again and again become natural laws.Further, can you point out when I said that there are real natural laws, and not just simply theories supported by six sigma observational evidence, and generating falsifiable experiments?[
OK, this is you attacking your own use of these "analyses." Works for me.Further, I think it is easy to recognise that it is not possible to collect six sigma evidence for anything that happens in economy on macro level, simply because you can not make experiment that falsify it, and the supporting ones has too small number to give even low sigma values.
When everybody else doesn't see the connection and you do, it's time to evaluate your sanity.I thought that it is easy to make this connections, but looks like it is not : P
You need to leave the images that you see after heavy drug use out of this discussion LOL. "Unicorn" "dirt of Europe" "Magic of ancients" are not terms that I use. I said that China is very unique and can succeed in ways that the West cannot understand or predict, which is really just a historical statement given how China has developed so far. If unique systems that have capabilities beyond your understanding qualify as a unicorn with magic, then yes, that's what China is. But once again, there are no rules of economics that govern anything. Until you understand this, you cannot discuss economics intelligently.So, practically you saying that China is an unicorn , born from the dirt of Europe and the hermetic magic of ancients, and because she is an Unicorn the rules that govern other countries are not bonding her : P
It's very interesting. The West watches awestruck at this "magic" everyday of how someone can do things not the Western way but still succeed. It's likely not only magic, but probably also infused with the Force from Star WarsMaybe it an be interesting how the magicians of the CPC made it : P
The biggest cult mentality is in the West, where people think that they have found the only way to success and when others find another way, call it "magic."Anyway, it is a cargo cult like mentality, making a " magical elder leader" who can solve everything : P
Alan Greenspan is not Chinese so you can discuss him on the US economic thread. I stopped reading when I saw "Gandolf" and then "Wisdom of the Elders." This joke born out of your ignorance has dragged on too long. I don't play Dungeons and Dragons or other weird crap like that so I can't follow anymore. I'm sure you're enjoying this fantasy world you're making but I'm not on board.Alan Greenspan was exactly like this, Gandalf with the Wisdom of Elders, until he supervised the second biggest meltdown of the USA economy in the past hundred years, after spending his life as "economical scientist" in his amber tower, surrounded by his apprentices in the hermetic science : D
Since no one talk about him like "maestro" or the artist of interest rate : D
1. Accounting is accounting and economics is economics. It seems that you know so little of economics that not only can you not distinguish it from a hard science, you don't even understand the difference between accounting and economics! You can get by in accounting with basic math, but accurately predicting economic future is something that no math equation can do.anyway, there are few things that works in the economy like magic:
1. basic accounting . No one can escape it : D. If A+B=C then C-A=B. the consumption vs gdp works exactly like this. Falsify it require fight against few thousand years of basic math.
2. Politics. The macro economy steered by politics, not made up rules by the Greenspan kinds of paper makers. Reason why we see the explosion of debt of the Chinese households. Falsify it require proving the saint like mentality of politicians/business owners : )
2. Macro economics is steered by politics, ok. The slight growth (LOL an "explosion" of 1% a year? Imaginative diction you've got there...) of Chinese debt with massive growth in GDP in the backdrop of the massive growth of debt and slight growth of GDP seen in developed Western economies is a result of the superiority of China's unique policies, or by your definition, "magic." LOL
The entirety of your post has no analyzable or sense-making text, which is why even the pro-US posters on this forum cannot give you a thumbs up. I see this is LSD Friday for you since you can't stop talking about Unicorns or magic. Whatever keeps you alive, I guess...The leftover of your post has no real analysable text,beyond the rainbow of Unicorn.
LSD Friday overdose... You write this brain vomit and accuse others of presenting no analyzable text?? Go to the hospital.Generally about "natural laws", by the current standing of QE there are only simplified rules / patterns that we can use to predict the outcome of certain experiments/ processes, thank for the very low temperature and gravitational curve of our universe.
So, if we steering away a bit from this "island of stability" that is our small and narrow universe, the nature become absolutely unpredictable, and the "laws" that govern her become fractal like, practically random functions, with small changes making completely different, unpredictable outcomes.
C'mon, there is no "natural law" that describe the motion of 3 object in the gravitational field of each other .
Or the QM can make good equations for 2d events, the marginal problem is our universe is not flat : P
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