On the electricity supply side regarding Wind and Solar.
Transmission and storage are legitimate issues, but if we have millions of battery powered cars which only charge themselves when there is surplus electricity, that is half the problem solved.
That will kill gas power plants first, then coal afterwards.
Transmission and storage are legitimate issues, but if we have millions of battery powered cars which only charge themselves when there is surplus electricity, that is half the problem solved.
That will kill gas power plants first, then coal afterwards.
Solar and wind is now the same price or cheaper than new fossil fuel capacity in more than 30 countries, the WEF reported in December (pdf). As prices for solar and wind power continue their precipitous fall, two-thirds of all nations will reach the point known as “grid parity” within a few years, even without subsidies.
Solar is projected to fall to half the price of electricity from coal or natural gas within a decade or two. That milestone has already been reached in some locales. In August, energy firm Solarpack contracted to sell solar electricity in Chile at just , 58% below prices from a new natural gas plant.
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Global solar costs set to fall 59% by 2025: IRENA
The Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) from solar power plants could fall by 59% by 2025, to an average 6 cents/kWh, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) said in a report published June 15.
PV module prices have fallen 80% since 2009 and module prices drop 20% with every doubling of cumulative installed capacity, IRENA said
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