Lieutenant General
Mao lovers obviously never live tthrough the famine and the cultural revolution.
Please ask people in their 60's and 70's what their experiences were like.
My parents didn't get much to eat during their teens even with help from oversea relatives. My mom beg her grandma for more congee but didn't get any because there simply weren't enough for the family.
The cultural revolution was an absolute reign of terror. People's corpses were hanging drom the streets, people were tortured in secret chambers, good people killed theirselves because they couldn't stand the humiliations and tortures, girls were forced (survival choice) to marry into red families because they came from "vermin" families. My dad had trouble getting into universities because my grandpa owned a small bakery.
All the things i described above came from my parents's personal experieces.
I would place vast majority of the balme on Mao's feet
I never said I worshiped or idolized Mao. You are wrong. You are not the only one who has relative that suffer during the cultural revolution.
But what I object is propaganda and campaign to smear, dehumanized China and Mao in particular. Like exaggerating the number of death and pulling number out thin air without any proof.
Let be fair without Mao there will be no new China period.The communist were loosing the war because the leadership hell bent on confronting the KMT head on the advice comintern under Otto Braun
Mao single handedly rescue the revolution after Zhunyi conference
Some of my relative did return to China in 60's fire by patriotism but soon enough they found out that their China is nothing like what they imagine.
Coming mostly from capitalist family they suffer tremendously during cultural revolution. Most left China after the cultural revolution was over with government permission
I always think that Mao stay too long at the helm He should just retire after Korean war and he will remember as the father of the nation.But he didn't
As I said before It was bad and misguided economic policy out of ignorance and hubris coupled with the worst natural disaster. As result 18 million people die according to official accounting
Don't forget that China was under embargo at that time like North Korea today. And she can't buy even rice or flour on open market. Only Canada is willing to sell to China at that time which was acknowledge by premier Li Kechiang in the last visit
Yes Mao make mistake and should be held accountable for that But he also has merit just like DXP said
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