Junior Member
I think that's what China is going to face very soon, as it will enter the "zero-growth" phase as combination of population aging, rising wages, commodity scarcity driven cost rise; all of which will drive the manufacturers to seek "offshoring" as viable strategy. If not offshoring, these manufacturers will have to go up in high tier manufacturing process with much higher cost as they turn to robotics and automation - most likely getting financial help and tax off-set incentives in order to just "keep the jobs" in the country.
How China deal with zero-growth economy is probably CPC's most important topic. Combine with rising debts, and more outlay for infrastructure cost, environmental degradation/protection, something will have to give. The rich will continue to want to move out, I think the biggest export for China for the next 30 years will be PEOPLE. The rich upper and middle class. This will in turn hollow out the economy, taking the wealth out of the country.
The Chinese government may enact policies to stymie the flow of money out (or they already are - I think I have heard from friends that they are making it much much harder to take large sum of money oversea), or making it harder for citizen to immigrate abroad. Enacting and tightening up environmental protection policies will be the way to fix the issue, but it will also come at a huge cost - more manufacturers moving out, further driving up unemployment.
The only way out is innovation, and that's something that will take a huge cultural change for China to transition into.