Star wars being too hard to understand?????
That's a new one.
In any case shouldn't this be discussed in the movie thread?
That's a new one.
In any case shouldn't this be discussed in the movie thread?
Star wars being too hard to understand?????
That's a new one.
In any case shouldn't this be discussed in the movie thread?
I just took another look at the GDP stats. China is still poorer than Iran, Brazil, Botswana, Libya (!), Iraq(!), Thailand(!), Dominican Republic (!) in GDP per capita term. ....
Even Mexico and Lebanon are significantly richer than China (~$18,000 vs $12,000)!
Maybe Star Wars just didn't tick Chinese fancy. Given Chinese love of sword fights (the endless chinese "Wuxia" movies) the problem is probably just Star Wars is a bit too hard to understand for the general public. I think Sci-fi will be a very very popular genre soon as Chinese will start look into the future instead of the past. Right now it seems there is very very few sci-fi or modern movie/TV series in China. Majority are just the re-hash of old stuff over and over and over.....
Compare to the american movie and TV series which are mostly set in present or the future (apocalypse seems to be extremely popular) with very very few exception (Game of Thrones!).
This kind of tells a lot about the culture - American looks to the future, while Chinese still looks into and hangs on to the past. This has to change, and this will change as China continue to modernize.
I just took another look at the GDP stats. China is still poorer than Iran, Brazil, Botswana, Libya (!), Iraq(!), Thailand(!), Dominican Republic (!) in GDP per capita term. Two of these countries mentioned before are in intense civil war (Libya and Iraq)! And two of these countries have deplorable living standards where people live in grass huts (Botswana and Dominican Republic)!
Even Mexico and Lebanon are significantly richer than China (~$18,000 vs $12,000)! The currently heavily indebted Greece is richer than China. So China definitely still have a lot of room to grow.
China wants to be in the high-middile income country bracket - basically around New Zealand or South Korea (currently around ~$36,000) which would mean China needs to grow and triple its economy to reach that goal. Currently Chinese economy is $17 trillion, "tripling" that would mean growing the chinese economy to $51 billion - a unfathomable number since that would be about half of the world's output.
According to
China is richer than Thailand, Dominican Republic; Botswana, World Bank & IMF give different ranking.
your figure are not that accurate ... please recheck
China' gdp per capita is > Irag, Thailand, Botswana, etc
I think it is kinda hard for general Chinese to understand. You try to explain to themor the Jedi or the Sith.... hell, even "alien" is a foreign concept! And I am not talking about outter space alien here...if you are a white guy you will know what I mean! You will instantly be a celebrity walking down the street there. Let alone the concept of outter space alien!
While I was there, the TV series they shown are almost all Wuxia stuff, games they play are all Wuxia stuff too (oh and World of Warcraft).
Anyway, I think this is quite a bit off-topic...
China will evolve more or less like Singapore - a quasi-democratic dictatorship
It is said that Lee Kuan Yew had visited China many times and the close ties they have underlines China's desire to emulate Singapore's success (I think Deng Xiaoping even said it one time he like to see China to become more like Singapore). Singapore's political system and the success of its economy is what Chinese leadership wants to emulate and probably gives the closest model for China to transition to. A high income economically successful high technology society with almost zero corruption and a passive population with little dissent to the "centralized" leadership where they have no choice.
Deng Xiaoping on China's future and Singapore (1992):
Size has a lot to do with how a country is organized. Switzerland and US are both federations so are more alike in some respects than Switzerland and The Netherlands. However Switzerland modelling itself on US or US on Switzerland is rightly unthinkable while The Netherlands and Switzerland might teach each other some things.
I totally agree. What Obama's China strategy ever since he was in power is quite a trainwreck of a foreign policy. He has continued to alienate and antagonized China with his progressively stronger containment strategy, while not realizing the power has largely shifted. It is true America is currently still the world's sole superpower, but China's ascendance to be the sole superpower is coming. China can internalize its economy now (which is what they are doing right now) and grow bigger without even the export (as half of its billion population is now flush with disposable income and still growing), its education system is getting better and its workforce are getting better (with often college education), they will soon be able to punch above its own weight just like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore did - a very high educated society with high technology and sound economic mangament.
Can you imagine China punch above its own weight?! That will be unparallel in mankind's history - 1.5 billion highly educated, highly productive high tech society. It will make today's America look like a third world country. And I think that's exactly what China wants to become.
One of the thing I found it ironic is that, America has largely gave China the capital to be what it is today - it gave China the financial capital (FDI) early in the liberalization, laid the foundation for China's modernity with technology transfer (ToT), setting up research centers and regionial headquarters which laid the foundation of China's glimpse into modern corporate structure and governance. And just when China's population grow rich and is good time for American to reap the reward of its hardwork in laying the foundation, instead they cut off the relationship by antagonizing China and trying to move away from China, which only leaves all the reward to China's own people (or native corporation).
(Continuing last post)
What Obama should have done is to INCREASE the cooperation and trade, ToT, and FDI, encourage even more two way communication and cooperations, which will benefit both countries and enmesh China in the international system and rule of law, decrease hostility of both countries, make it easier for citizens of both countries to get VISA (right now it is a nightmare), increase understanding not only at the high level but also at general population level, all these will benefit both countries tremendously. But instead, all Obama did for the past few years only increase hostilities of both countries, drove China to even greater arm race (which America will not, and cannot win in the long run).
What is behind Washington’s increasingly shrill and apparently manic, even irrational, actions and words toward China? The answer is, I believe, provided by the late great Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew. In an interview in The Atlantic magazine, March 2013 edition, Lee said:
“For America to be displaced, not in the world, but only in the western Pacific, by an Asian people long despised and dismissed with contempt as decadent, feeble, corrupt, and inept is emotionally very difficult to accept.
“The sense of cultural superiority of the Americans will make this adjustment most difficult. Americans believe their ideas are universal—the supremacy of the individual and free, unfettered expression. But they are not—never were.
“Unlike other emergent countries, China wants to be China and accepted as such, not as an honorary member of the West. The Chinese will want to share this century as co-equals with the United States.”
Until America accepts and adjusts to this reality expect danger and conflict in Asia.