No, he can't. But he can purchase Chinese products in bulk in the form of exports. And that's the reality of the analogy - the value generated by Chinese workers is being deflated globally (but especially relative to the US since it is their currency that is the main exchange medium).
This could very well be a strategic decision by the Chinese government, but it is a meaningful decision regardless. It means Chinese individuals and companies are incentivized to sell to the West and to immigrate to the West, since they get a much better deal for the value of work.
Product consumption is a small portion of overall consumption. Big ticket items like rent, medical care and food are locally priced.
The biggest exported item for consumers is a car, and Chinese cars are banned in the US.
Environment is also local. John would on average live fewer years, have higher rates of mental illness and drug use, and be more likely to become a victim of crime. His children are more likely to go to school with misbehaving children testing lower on PISA. Does the exchange rate help him?
Until you are ultra rich and able to insulate yourself from basic problems like crime, health, rent, mental illness, education, transportation, etc all this extra stuff doesn't matter.