Chinese Economics Thread

Hope this happens sooner than later.

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China, Germany eye RMB hub in Frankfurt

BERLIN, March 28 (Xinhua) -- China and Germany on Friday signed a memorandum of understating (MoU) on establishing an RMB clearing and settlement mechanism in Frankfurt, moving the German city closer to becoming an offshore RMB center.

The document was inked here by China's central bank, or the People's Bank of China, and its German counterpart, the Deutsche Bundesbank, in the presence of visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The German side "welcomes RMB to play a bigger role in the international financial and monetary systems," says a joint statement issued after talks between Xi and Merkel.

The two sides welcome the signing of the MoU, and a clearing bank will be designated later, according to the statement.

"The growing trade and investment relations between Germany and China will make the volumes of payment in RMB continue to rise. German Bundesbank supports the development of a yuan-clearing solution in Frankfurt," said Joachim Nagel, a member of the executive board of the Bundesbank.

China pays high attention to its cooperation with Germany in finance, as well as the role of Frankfurt as a financial center for both Germany and Europe, according to industry insiders.

Frankfurt is one of the most important financial hubs in Europe and the seat of two central banks, namely the Bundesbank and the European Central Bank.

Since 2009, China has promoted RMB internationalization with a three-pronged approach: facilitating international trade and investment denominated and settled in RMB, encouraging offshore RMB service centers to develop offshore RMB-denominated financial products, and encouraging central banks to hold RMB assets as part of their foreign exchange reserves.

With the Chinese currency increasingly used in international trade and investment, demand for RMB financial services from overseas individuals and corporations has gradually increased.
a modern Silk Road from China to Europe

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Chinese President Xi Jinping (C) visits Duisburg in Germany, March 29, 2014. (Xinhua/Rao Aimin)

DUSSELDORF, Germany, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday called on China and Germany to work together to build the Silk Road economic belt.

Xi made the remarks during a visit to Port of Duisburg, the world's biggest inland harbor and a transport and logistics hub of Europe.

He said China's proposal of building the Silk Road economic belt, based on the idea of common development and prosperity, aims to better connect the Asian and European markets, will enrich the idea of the Silk Road with a new meaning, and benefit all the people along the belt.

China and Germany, at the opposite ends of the belt, are two major economies that serve as the driving engines for economic growth respectively in Asia and Europe, Xi noted.

The two countries, linked by the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe international railway, should strengthen cooperation in building the Silk Road economic belt, Xi said.

The Chinese leader expressed the hope that Port of Duisburg will play a bigger role in the China-Germany and China-Europe cooperation.

Xi witnessed the arrival of a cargo train at the railway station in Duisburg from the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing. The train had travelled all the distance along the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe international railway.

The Chinese president, accompanied by Vice German Chancellor and Minister of Economics and Energy Sigmar Gabriel, was warmly welcomed by Hannelore Kraft, premier of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Soren Link, mayor of the city of Duisburg.

Kraft and Link, in their speeches at the welcome ceremony, said the state and the city will grasp the opportunities that the initiative on the Silk Road economic belt brings to them, and step up the cooperation with China.


Lieutenant General
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I was watching GPS 360 on CNN this morning and they were talking about how much better it would be if women ruled the world. They had Arianna Huffington and Tina Brown as pundits and the were talking about Hillary Clinton being the best candidate. It was like the trifecta of cringe for me. It's still a mystery for me how did right-wing Arianna turn into left-wing Arianna overnight and no one seemed to notice. But the one thing consistent is she's anti-China. Tina Brown is a left-wing Western supremacist. Yeah she celebrates the women of the world in power just as long as they serve Western interests. Her Women of the World in Power event every year only celebrates what Western culture has done for women totally ignoring everyone else. And now Hillary Clinton who goes around with her propaganda belittling the rest of the world on how they treat women declaring countries that treat women better translates to economic prosperity. Japan and China contradicts her propaganda in opposite ways. Japan is the worst when it comes to women in the workplace yet achieved being the second largest economy in world. On the other hand, Hillary has chastised China for its treatment of women but somehow beats anyone in the West when it comes to women in the workplace. And let's not forget out of the top 12 richest self-made women in the world, half of them are from China. If China were the way the critics paint it, all those results would be impossible.

Every time there's a discussion about how everything would be a lot better if women ruled the world, it comes across much like how people argue little girls are lacking self-esteem in society. If your society treats women in any sort of civilized way, the first thing little girls would have would be self-esteem. It would be like breathing air. If anyone dares to bring up how it would be better if women ruled the world, you're not in a position to judge the rest of the world since your culture doesn't seem to have it right yourself just by wishing for it.


Lieutenant General
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I was watching GPS 360 on CNN this morning and they were talking about how much better it would be if women ruled the world. They had Arianna Huffington and Tina Brown as pundits and the were talking about Hillary Clinton being the best candidate. It was like the trifecta of cringe for me. It's still a mystery for me how did right-wing Arianna turn into left-wing Arianna overnight and no one seemed to notice. But the one thing consistent is she's anti-China. Tina Brown is a left-wing Western supremacist. Yeah she celebrates the women of the world in power just as long as they serve Western interests. Her Women of the World in Power event every year only celebrates what Western culture has done for women totally ignoring everyone else. And now Hillary Clinton who goes around with her propaganda belittling the rest of the world on how they treat women declaring countries that treat women better translates to economic prosperity. Japan and China contradicts her propaganda in opposite ways. Japan is the worst when it comes to women in the workplace yet achieved being the second largest economy in world. On the other hand, Hillary has chastised China for its treatment of women but somehow beats anyone in the West when it comes to women in the workplace. And let's not forget out of the top 12 richest self-made women in the world, half of them are from China. If China were the way the critics paint it, all those results would be impossible.

Every time there's a discussion about how everything would be a lot better if women ruled the world, it comes across much like how people argue little girls are lacking self-esteem in society. If your society treats women in any sort of civilized way, the first thing little girls would have would be self-esteem. It would be like breathing air. If anyone dares to bring up how it would be better if women ruled the world, you're not in a position to judge the rest of the world since your culture doesn't seem to have it right yourself just by wishing for it.

The naysayers and doubters had already made up their mind about China, so it's no surprise to me that they have this self proclaim righteousness of knowing all "discussions". More like a round table for bashing anything that doesn't come their way.


Lieutenant General
The naysayers and doubters had already made up their mind about China, so it's no surprise to me that they have this self proclaim righteousness of knowing all "discussions". More like a round table for bashing anything that doesn't come their way.

The irony is people like Hillary would treat and punish countries based on stereotypes. And the only reason why is so she can get people at home to like and vote for her. Is that peace in the world? If everyone just obeyed Hitler as commanded and not fight him, that would be peace too.


Up to 70 km.

They will launch a super sports car by 2015. If their safety ratings are 4 stars of more, they will be welcomed in the West.

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Junior Member
The irony is people like Hillary would treat and punish countries based on stereotypes. And the only reason why is so she can get people at home to like and vote for her. Is that peace in the world? If everyone just obeyed Hitler as commanded and not fight him, that would be peace too.

The thing is people don't want to break out of their stereotypes, but the problem is that they often are the ones who by their own logic are responsible for creating those problems.

If poverty is the source of this and thus poverty makes people immoral than the US generates this through unfair trade deals, wars and regime change that has been happening for the last 60 years, the entire basis of their argument is blaming poor people for being poor.


Lieutenant General
The thing is people don't want to break out of their stereotypes, but the problem is that they often are the ones who by their own logic are responsible for creating those problems.

If poverty is the source of this and thus poverty makes people immoral than the US generates this through unfair trade deals, wars and regime change that has been happening for the last 60 years, the entire basis of their argument is blaming poor people for being poor.

It's another example of "Do as I say...not what I do" attitude and mentality.


Lieutenant General
Stereotypes are really about what people want to believe. People who usually perpetuate stereotypes are taking pride in a perception of their own individuality. Stereotypes suggest there is no individuality but based in instinct at the level of animals. They want to spread prejudice with discrimination in mind. Some don't want China to be seen as treating women better in any way because that might encourage people to follow that model. Now who would be alarmed by that? People who want everyone to follow their model even though it's not the best. Now why would that be? It's just like how China's economy is distinguished by the critics as "state capitalism." Beijing will step in to protect Chinese business and industries which is supposedly somehow bad. Is it any different from Obama stepping in to stop China from taking over solar and other green industries? Obama believed at first the US was going to control green industries therefore profit by it. Because it looked like China was going to end up being the winner, he took action. State capitalism is just a stereotype to brand and create prejudice not about what's best. It's the same with who treats women the best. Even feminists like Hillary Clinton doesn't want a foreign model leading the way for women. She's being seen as the leader of the women of the world. She won't be if someone else's model is followed.