What's that? You found another dude with a blog to back up your econ version of "chloroquine cures COVID" theory?Growth accounting suggests that productivity growth in China has declined substantially post-2008 and the growth was due to capital formation.
This is entirely consistent with capital formation driving the overwhelming majority of Chinese growth gains - capital deepening absent productivity enhancements - has declining marginal returns and thus results in slower growth; capital deepening with productivity enhancements results in constant growth rates (see for example, US growth rates being at 2% consistently for decades - there is a lack of a diminishing marginal product of capital) and consistent with the Asian tiger experience - following their capital deepening phases, they ran out of easy growth and thus turned to the slower productivity growth as the main growth driver.
whether the TFP decline in China reflects long lag effects of R&D or Chinese industry’s incapacity to translate research gains into commercial outcomes is a separate question altogether tho
That's right, don't use common sense. Don't check anything against China's tech and research running the US over in several key fields, running the US down in all fields, overtaking the US in overall research, etc... Whistling past the graveyard is the way to go. Just tell yourself China will fade and wait for it. We Chinese have a saying for people like and and that's, "You won't even know how you died."