Chinese Economics Thread


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And robotaxi rides are so cheap, do consumers ever need to buy a car? What about the driving instructors and driving schools?
The future is working from home, buying from alibaba and pinduoduo, robots taking every labor intensive tasks. Basically to increase efficiency to maximum. Who cannot catch up sadly will not have a place in society.


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Honestly, I think there's a bit of an infatuation with meat in China, it's unhealthy for everything and everyone. Don't mimic the piggy Americans, don't eat so much meat. It's not a sign of wealth, it's a sign of gluttonous stupidity.
Americans are so fat because of low food quality and a culture of snacking. Most of it isn't even meat, it's carbs.

It has nothing to do with meat, China and the rest of East Asia has some thousand years culture of primarily meat/seafood based diet, and people are not that fat. Same with Mediterranean ppl.
And robotaxi rides are so cheap, do consumers ever need to buy a car? What about the driving instructors and driving schools?
This is just the broken window fallacy redux. Driving instructors "generate revenue" teaching people skills that they would innately have in an automated society. Like how typewriter instructors used to "generate revenue" by teaching what every squeaker today now knows because of phones + pcs.

"What about carriages and horses, wouldn't horse sellers, horse feed makers etc. go out of business if the car becomes widely adopted?"

Generating revenue from putting band aids on things that are inherently less effective isn't a net gain for society. It is always preferable to eliminate the inefficiency and let people spend on something else.


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Real economic prosperity is eating whatever one wants to eat and not giving a shit about what the Americans do. Like seriously, is it really a sign of strength when Americans live rent free in your head even when you decide what to eat? Its not a d*** measuring contest how much meat you eat.
I underrstand what you're saying, but the quality of food here in the United States is absolutely horrible. Healthy food in the United States is quite expensive and out of reach for many, if not most, Americans. Carbohydrates are cheap, but meat and vegetables are relatively expensive, which is why most Americans are undernourished and overweight.

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Real economic prosperity is eating whatever one wants to eat and not giving a shit about what the Americans do. Like seriously, is it really a sign of strength when Americans live rent free in your head even when you decide what to eat? Its not a d*** measuring contest how much meat you eat.

Considering that's a reply to an article by SCMP that does the comparison, which in turn is describing a report from the UN, it seems pretty reasonable to reflect on the details of the comparison.

If you want to be mad at someone, criticize SCMP for writing such an article to begin with.


Junior Member
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After not posting here for an year or so just saw today how Chinese indexes are making new lows for so many years now and though to check if this forum is active. Many of the old avatars are gone but there are still so many propaganda and out of reality comments. Like that the future would be to order from the practically bankrupt Alibaba or car industries where China will soon be completely cut from EU and US markets as I told you last year. Worst in the world crashing markets and yet they hope for 5 cent grow, properties crushing, salaries low, deflation and less new loans. Such huge difference between Chinese inland and out of china reality forums. Brainwashing to the fullest like they are doing recently in the West but at least ppl aren't that miserable here :)
Come up with more creative trolling tactics than just taking economic boom stats and claiming they are all trash. Guess what, your country looks even worse in comparison to everything you said.

Maybe if you could pay your brahmins the same "crushing low wages" as the lowest Chinese fast food worker, they wouldn't be malnourished and stuck with shoe size level iqs.


After not posting here for an year or so
Cus you're miserable seeing China grow; you ate some Western propaganda so you came back, and now you're gonna be miserable again.
just saw today how Chinese indexes are making new lows for so many years now
What cherry picked crap are you talking about?
and though to check if this forum is active.
Yeah, great news from China everyday; why wouldn't we be active? We're not the broke gambler; you are LOL We're rich with good news.
Many of the old avatars are gone
Yeah, people who post like you and got banned for trolling.
but there are still so many propaganda and out of reality comments.
Not anymore after they left and then again you showed up.
Like that the future would be to order from the practically bankrupt Alibaba
It's the future and it's the now. Bankrupt you say?
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"Alibaba Group's likelihood of distress is below 1% at this time. The company is very unlikely to encounter any financial distress in the next two years."
Like you said, you're out of reality.
or car industries where China will soon be completely cut from EU and US markets as I told you last year.
LOL Beautiful cars, garbage markets. Whatever they don't buy is their loss. Europe messed up with Russia so now they don't have gas. If they mess up with China, they won't have EVs either. They can clippity clap their horses to work and the US can keep driving cars designed by retards under the philosophy of, "How to we make it faster? Make the engine bigger! Now we need to make the car bigger to hold the engine! But now it's slower cus the car's too big and heavy. So how do we make it faster again? Maker the engine bigger!" Everytime you step on the gas, the engine sounds like an Honey BooBoo's mama sharting after Taco Bell. If they don't buy Chinese cars, they will find themselves left back like they deserve to be. Quite frankly, our cars are too good for them.
Worst in the world crashing markets and yet they hope for 5 cent grow,
We don't "hope;" we got 5% growth.
properties crushing, salaries low, deflation and less new loans.
Blah blah useless terms < 5% growth
Such huge difference between Chinese inland and out of china reality forums.
Such huge difference between what you wanna see and what we make you see.
Brainwashing to the fullest like they are doing recently in the West
Most of the people here are in the West, and most cited articles are in English proving resilience against brainwashing.
but at least ppl aren't that miserable here :)
Yeah, they're so happy, one side tore up the capital building trying to make the president eternal so the other side shot the president in the ear trying to kill him. Civil war is some happy times, eh? LOL

And if "here" didn't refer to the US, well, then you're just a little cockroach talking, aren't you;)? You don't even have a seat at the fight for the next superpower. You're talking trash about the main competitors and you can't even get into the arena LOL
One step at a time please. Last year I told you will loose electric cars market in EU and USA and ppl here wrote impossible because of batteries etc. Now is almost a fact. Now I say electric cars sector will decline and only local cars will be sold in the wast. You wrote market valuations don't matter at which everyone in the civilised world will laugh. The not-troll speaks of orders from Alibaba and as I see the for you irrelevant market valuation of Alibaba - it's clear that this company is going to bankrupt simply due to lack of finance.
Addressed above
In China everything is upside down and this isn't normal.
That's because "normal" is the West going in and out of recession with sluggish innovation so China is not normal by growing consistently at the top of the world with innovations that catch up to the West where we trail and open up the gap with them where we lead.
Maybe it's a great country together with nort Korea from sightseeing point of view though
If you like to see modern things that the West doesn't have, you're in for a real treat. North Korea is a nice clean place too. Get your brains put on the pavement in Detroit, or go to Chicago and watch hobos play statue for a few hours on the street from taking Tranq and you'll really appreciate the beauty of non-houligan places.
And most importantly, one wrote that China is preferred place to invest while everyone is pulling their business out of China
They got beaten by the local competition, been losing money for years, finally gave up and left.
as they soon would be confiscated like the west will steal all russian assets.
Nyet, that is the desperate tactic only the West uses. They can't win against Russia so they stole Russian assets; they can't stop Chinese growth with Russia so they talk about stealing Chinese assets. Loser tactics. Of course, if they take ours, we take theirs.
That's why china will never escalate sanctions and try to protect and stay low as they know how vulnerable are.
Beat Trump's ass during the first trade war; America didn't even see it coming. Like you, they thought it was gonna be caveman slug fest with sanctions. We went quiet; they breathed a sign of relief, thought they won. Then they wondered why they were bleeding out. They talk, they make noise, we slice.
And they know if they respond things will go worse now with trump
Yeah, for America. That's why we like him. But we like Biden too because he's basically regressed to 3 year old intellect; hell, we like both of 'em LOL
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Registered Member
After not posting here for an year or so just saw today how Chinese indexes are making new lows for so many years now and though to check if this forum is active. Many of the old avatars are gone but there are still so many propaganda and out of reality comments. Like that the future would be to order from the practically bankrupt Alibaba or car industries where China will soon be completely cut from EU and US markets as I told you last year. Worst in the world crashing markets and yet they hope for 5 cent grow, properties crushing, salaries low, deflation and less new loans. Such huge difference between Chinese inland and out of china reality forums. Brainwashing to the fullest like they are doing recently in the West but at least ppl aren't that miserable here :)
For the price Chinese brands can make EVs they will have a way way bigger market reach and access than western brands ever could in the 2020s. We know Chinese brands are moving into South east Asian markets. Those markets are almost the same size as EU and US markets combined. Those same ASEAN markets are expanding at 3~7% annually. So China was there when they could buy products at $1, $10, $100 and now Chinese product will be there when ASEAN consumer can buy products at $1000, $10000 etc.


Registered Member
After not posting here for an year or so just saw today how Chinese indexes are making new lows for so many years now and though to check if this forum is active. Many of the old avatars are gone but there are still so many propaganda and out of reality comments. Like that the future would be to order from the practically bankrupt Alibaba or car industries where China will soon be completely cut from EU and US markets as I told you last year. Worst in the world crashing markets and yet they hope for 5 cent grow, properties crushing, salaries low, deflation and less new loans. Such huge difference between Chinese inland and out of china reality forums. Brainwashing to the fullest like they are doing recently in the West but at least ppl aren't that miserable here :)
The last time you posted on this forum was back on Feb. of this year so that's not exactly a year, more like 5 freaking months.


So not only you are a stupid troll, but you also suck at lying which is unfortunately typical trait from a known scammer like people.

India's stock market is doing pretty good yet it's not translating to the actual society, when you have almost 40% youth unemployment, increasing rate of suicides due to hopelessness and misery, not to mention that at a recent job posting for 6 position low level paying jobs 92,000 applicants applied and the sad part about it was the high number of people have PHD and graduate degrees applying for a job that only required Grade 5 level of education. But hey, at least Ambani spent $600 million on the wedding for his beloved son showing the world how wealthy you folks really are huh.

Indians with the mentality of a colonizer and western aping behaviours are so pathetic man. Your country is literally awashed with so much filth, inequalities yet you idiots dare to mock China and us Chinese as living in an information bubble? Lol talk about irony!!


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mad at someone

Like look if the country is piss poor and people have to worry about their next meal or cannot afford to eat meat or proteins then this is a relevant point, but seeing as the Chinese economy is at a point where vast majority of people don't need to worry about this, the entire discussion is as useful as a d*** measuring contest.

I am not mad at all, I am calling out the stupidity of the idea, if it is SCMP then my message is directed to them (and anyone who believes that their message is of relevance)..

I underrstand what you're saying, but the quality of food here in the United States is absolutely horrible. Healthy food in the United States is quite expensive and out of reach for many, if not most, Americans. Carbohydrates are cheap, but meat and vegetables are relatively expensive, which is why most Americans are undernourished and overweight.

I wholeheartedly agree with what you said but who gives a shit how shitty the American diet is?

Why is there this need to frame discussions about China in a "look at how shitty Americans are" - this is my precise point about Americans living rent free in your head.

Otherwise, you would be no different than @BrokeGambler - the success of the Chinese economic development in the past decades is clearly living rent free in his head and he feels compelled to make up a claim that Alibaba is going bankrupt.

Real prosperity and confidence (I suggest people read up on XJP's 四个自信) is not caring about how shitty or good Americans are, in any aspect. There is an American Economics Thread if you want to doom about the impending implosion of the US economy.
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Junior Member
The future is working from home, buying from alibaba and pinduoduo, robots taking every labor intensive tasks. Basically to increase efficiency to maximum. Who cannot catch up sadly will not have a place in society.
You will still need technicians and tradesmen. The West made that mistake thinking outsourcing to China, thinking they could be a wholly service based economy and got financialized.