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China’s economy losing steam, workers losing jobs and wages

Thu, 23 Oct 2008.
Guangdong province faces millions of job losses in coming months

Vincent Kolo,
[email protected]

The global capitalist crisis has struck southern China’s export powerhouse Guangdong with the force of a super-typhoon. It is “the worst economic environment of our lives” exclaimed the chief economist of Hong Kong’s Chamber of Commerce. A domino effect of factory closures is rippling through industries such as toys, footwear, textiles and light engineering in Dongguan, Shenzhen, and other heavily industrialised cities in the Pearl River Delta. The Federation of Hong Kong Industries (whose members run their production from the delta) warns of 2.5 million job losses in the coming three months – 27,000 every single day! The same source said 20,000 Hong Kong-owned small and medium-sized enterprises could close down by the Lunar New Year (January 2009).


For years the world has marvelled at China’s spectacular growth figures, now it should prepare for spectacular figures of another sort! City leaders in Dongguan speak of a “depression” in the city of seven million people, mostly migrant sweatshop workers. Wang Zhiguang, vice chairman of the Dongguan Toy Industry Association, told Guangzhou Daily: “Of some 3,800 toy factories in Dongguan, no more than 2,000 are likely to survive the next couple of years.”

Skyrocketing costs for fuel and raw materials, the Chinese currency’s rise, and shrinking export markets, have squeezed already narrow profit margins. “After the EU and the US changed the market thresholds for China-made toys, and because of recalls in 2007, our testing fees have gone up by about 25%,” a toy industry spokesman said.

Several Hong Kong-owned factories have gone bust in the last week, including three run by the world’s largest toymaker Smart Union Group, which makes toys for Mattel and Hasbro. “It’s scary,” engineer Zeng Yangwen, 26, who worked for Smart Union for three years, told Reuters. “The companies that folded before were small. This is the first big one to go under.”

Daily protests

Thousands of workers have lost their jobs and many have taken to the streets to demand unpaid wages. Their former bosses in many cases have spirited away valuable assets and disappeared. Street protests and demonstrations at local government offices have been a daily occurrence in many townships in the region. In at least one case in Shenzhen, at the Xixian factory linked to luxury watch retailer Peace Mark, also Hong Kong-owned, more than 600 workers staged a sit-in for two days to demand their wages. More such protests are on the cards in coming weeks and months.

Exporting regions like the Pearl River Delta are the first to be hit by the crisis, as their export markets wither under the impact of the global recession, while input costs have risen, and bank credit has become tighter. This is just the first phase of what is clearly a significant industrial slowdown in China, exacerbated by the simultaneous bursting of gigantic financial bubbles in the Chinese stock market and property sector. Added to this there is of course the global capitalist crisis, which is hammering export markets and threatens new financial upheavals. Asian stock markets sank to four-year lows this week on fears that growing difficulties in China and other ‘emerging markets’ will prolong the global recession. From being a possible ray of hope, China’s faltering economy is becoming another source of despair for the global capitalists.

All the above factors mean the current industrial downturn can be far more serious than China’s leaders and most commentators publicly recognise. The Beijing regime continues to reassure the public how ‘basically strong’ the economy is. But in part these statements are tailored to avoid further frightening capitalist ‘investors’ (speculators) – who are more inclined towards panic from the global meltdown than they are to be calmed by recent market-supporting measures from the Chinese regime and central bank.

“The slowdown in the Chinese economy so far is unexpectedly serious,” Li Wei of Standard Chartered Bank told China Daily. All the main economic data now point downward. China’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth slowed to 9% in the third quarter, the slowest rate since during the SARS crisis of 2003, and the fifth consecutive quarter of reduced growth. All the forecasts for 2008 and 2009 are being scaled down, and several economists now warn of growth dipping below the crucial 8% level in 2009. Morgan Stanley’s latest forecast is 8.2%, while CICC predicts just 7.3%. Li Wei of Standard Chartered forecasts 7.9% in 2009 and only 7% in 2010. Anything below 8% is a recession in the Chinese context, meaning rocketing unemployment and falling living standards for broad layers of the population.

Investment slows

Investment too, a key motor of GDP growth since the start of the century, has seen a sharp slowdown. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences warns that real fixed asset investment (after compensating for higher producer prices) could grow by 15% overall this year, compared to 20% growth in 2007. This poses big problems for the central government: even its monetary easing (interest rates have been cut twice in the last month) and lifting of earlier credit restrictions on banks, may not have the desired effect if companies are reluctant to invest due to a sluggish market and huge levels of existing surplus capacity. Industries such as steel, coal, and power generation, have grown far beyond the limits of the Chinese economy in the course of a frenetic seven to eight year investment bubble, and are dependent on the country’s XXXL-sized export machine to sustain demand. If this machine fails, so do they. Steel and coal firms have announced production cuts for the first time in years in order to put the brakes on sharply falling prices brought about by lower demand and excess capacity. Coal prices are down 14% and steel by 30% since the summer. 23 of the nations 71 largest steel firms reported losses last month, and Beijing may reintroduce tax incentives for steel exports, despite opposition from the US and EU. Clearly, the slowdown is not confined to export industries or regions, although these are being hit first and hardest.

While China’s overall GDP growth still seems impressive by global comparisons, its complex and fragmented economy can experience widely divergent processes at the same time. Guangdong and other coastal provinces are, because of globalisation (they trade more with the US and Europe than with the rest of China), showing clearer signs of recession at this stage than most Western economies. There has been a spate of suicides by capitalists in these provinces. All told perhaps 20 million workers have lost their jobs in 2008 as a result of business collapses. But as the overall economy is still growing, many of these worker (most are migrants) can be absorbed elsewhere. At a certain point in the downward cycle, however, this ability to soak up the new unemployed will likely break down and open unemployment will soar and, with it, the threat of serious unrest.

Government measures

Property markets – pumped up to fantasy levels in the speculative wave of recent years – have deflated sharply, by 40% in some cities such as Shenzhen. The coastal exporting regions that are suffering most from the crisis and the property meltdown are also the main launch-pad for the much discussed but yet to be seen “rebalancing” of the economy towards domestic consumption. Per capita GDP in the wealthiest coastal provinces is roughly twice the level in the north-eastern provinces, three times the level in the central provinces and five or six times the level in the poorest western provinces. Much greater consumption – close to double today’s level – would be needed to break the economy’s huge dependence on exports and avert a serious downturn. If increased consumption does not come from the wealthier provinces, then where? But the combined blows of falling property prices, factory closures and recession, migrants moving elsewhere, will serve to weaken rather than strengthen consumption in these regions. For the first time in modern Chinese history, since the pro-capitalist reform and opening process began 30 years ago, the coastal provinces may be headed for slower growth and greater dislocation than their poor relations in the interior. Already, coastal companies are gearing up for an assault on the markets of other provinces. The stage is being set for a dramatic increase in inter-provincial rivalries and economic disputes. Beijing may find itself in the role of referee at a dogfight!

The central government has responded to the current slowdown with a series of measures that include even more investment in infrastructure, restoration of tax rebates to labour intensive export industries (these were cut two years ago as Beijing moved to soften US protectionism) and special rules to ease loan terms for small and medium-sized companies. The pace of currency appreciation will surely slow, if not reverse, and US protests over this fact may be bought off for a time with a Chinese commitment to keep up its lending to the US government’s huge state bailouts. Other steps have been taken to shore up the sinking stock market, to prevent the main CSI 300 index slipping below the psychologically important 2,000 mark. The market has plummeted 70% this year, but the latest measures – using state companies and the sovereign wealth fund, CIC, to buy up shares – have not prevented further falls (the CSI 300 is down on 1,833 points at the time of writing).

The government will soon in all probability announce a stimulus package containing tax cuts and extra funds for public investment. It is rumoured that this package will be worth 400bn yuan ($58bn). That the plan has been delayed may reflect deep divisions inside the regime’s economic management team over what ‘mix’ of policies to adopt. Many CCP bigwigs now favour tax cuts, accepting the liberal economists’ argument that this is the fastest way to stimulate consumption. Less than one-third of China’s wage earners would benefit from a tax cut as the remainder do not earn enough to pay any tax.

Fear of protests

What is the role of local-level governments in the Pearl River Delta and other export hubs in the rising wave of factory closures? There is of course a big risk of instability and even riots and the authorities are keen to diffuse this. At the same time the CCP local administrations have created an environment that allows corrupt capitalists to run their businesses into the ground and then abscond, leaving workers, creditors, and suppliers, in the lurch. Many of today’s fugitive bosses were well integrated with local officials and paid well for their services. Today the factories are being sealed for “immediate auction”, with workers allowed to remain temporarily only in the dormitories and canteens.

At the same time the local governments are using public budgets to pay out unpaid wages to redundant workers, a fact that is drawing increasing criticism on similar lines to anger at bank bail-outs in the West. In order to clear the streets and prevent the anger of workers crystallising into a wider struggle across factory or township borders, governments are using the ‘carrot’ of compensation rather than the ‘stick’ of police repression – at least for the time being. The local government in Zhangmutou township, Dongguan, paid out more than 24 million yuan ($3.5 million) to compensate the 7,000 former workers of Smart Union Group, China Daily reported (23 October). This was the township’s entire budget for the coming year! Yet workers are owed four times this amount and may never receive the full amount. Once paid off and dispersed, the authorities hope migrant workers will move onto other jobs or other areas. Rival factories have been sending recruitment agents into the demonstrations in Dongguan and Shenzhen to fill their quota of vacancies.

The main focus of workers’ protests has been to get part if not all of the wages they are owed. This is the still basic level at which the struggle stands today, not seeking to challenge the bosses’ right to turn thousands out onto the streets. The perspective of many migrant workers is that 1) they hope and believe that by moving again if necessary they can get new work, and 2) It is not really possible to challenge the bosses and officialdom: “They will do as they want, what can we do?”


But governments are evidently nervous. The order to local governments to issue payments came from the office of Vice-Premier Zhang Dejiang in Beijing. The popular mood can change especially as the crisis deepens, the stream of closures turns into a flood, and new jobs get harder and harder to find. Bankrupt factories are being cleared and sealed quickly to prevent workers lingering in factory buildings, where the idea could begin to germinate that a more effective struggle can be waged by staying put – occupying – and turning the factory into a symbol of protest. And not just to win unpaid wages, but to defend jobs, to win economic security, a future. Such a protest movement could in turn raise questions about working hours, wage levels, workplace safety, and about which social force – capital or labour – should organise and control production.

The sit-in strike in Xixiang is a warning sign that some groups of workers may opt to make a more spirited stand. Factory occupations and sit-ins – methods that resulted in big gains for US and French workers in the past – could develop into city-wide, regional, and possibly even national focal points for workers’ struggle. By placing the factory buildings under their control and organising to run them, workers show their potential power as the real masters of society. While many of the sacked workers in Guangdong have received some or all of their unpaid wages from government agencies, this amounts to a few thousand yuan only. Other payments such as severance pay and pensions have disappeared with the absconding capitalists. More than a thousand sacked workers have engaged lawyers to fight for compensation they are owed, but will not receive under the limited offer available from local government.

For a socialist alternative

Socialists support the right of sacked workers to full compensation, from government funds, but this is not enough. Why should these factories be handed over to another gang of unaccountable and corrupt capitalists for them to ruin? Furthermore, local government funds are not inexhaustible as the Zhangmutuo example illustrates. There is a crisis. More bankruptcies are inevitable on the basis of the market madness. This means local governments will be squeezed by falling tax receipts, and – more importantly – fewer property sales, which have been a big source of (often fraudulent) government income in recent years. The point will come when a factory closes its gates and the township or city government tells workers: “Sorry, were broke!”

Why should previously profitable factories with a settled and experienced workforce be emptied and turned into industrial graveyards on the whims of capitalists and their casino economy? Instead of closing, these factories should continue, under full public ownership, but under the democratic control of the workforce. If the market for existing products such as luxury watches or toys is oversupplied, alternative and socially necessary product lines can be introduced as part of a wider democratic socialist reorganisation of the economy towards people’s real and urgent needs. This can only be implemented through elected workplace and neighbourhood committees in every area and a new independent trade union movement (Where was the ACFTU when the factories closed?). This alternative – socialism – will not come from the ruling party, but can emerge from the struggles beginning now in the streets and factories of Dongguan, Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta.

- No job losses! Take any company threatening job cuts or closure into public ownership without compensation, under the democratic control of the workforce and wider working class community.

- Open the books! For an immediate and public investigation of the accounts of Smart Union Group, Peace Mark, BEP International, and other absconding companies. Put corrupt bosses on trial!

- Build independent trade unions now to defend jobs and workers’ interests. Link-up with other factories and prepare – the crisis will get worse!

- No repression! Arrest the bosses and speculators, not protesting workers.

- For democratic workers’ control and management of industry as part of a fighting socialist plan to defeat the capitalist crisis!


VIP Professional
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Financial meltdown hurting Chinese farmers
By Xin Zhiming (China Daily)
Updated: 2008-10-29 07:23
Comments(9) PrintMail

The global financial crisis has begun hurting Chinese farmers' income, senior economists said Tuesday.

The annual income growth of farmers is likely to cross 7 percent this year, but that is about 2 percentage points lower than the government target, said Cheng Guoqiang, an economist with the State Council's Development Research Center.

Farmers collect celery at a farm in Gulang, Gansu Province, recently. Farmers have started feeling the pinch of the global financial crisis as their income growth wanes. [Xinhua]

"But we would be happy even if the rate reaches 7 percent," Cheng told China Daily.

Song Hongyuan, an economist with the Agricultural Research Center, affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture, corroborated him.

"Based on the current situation, it's rather difficult to see farmers' income rise by 9 percent this year," Song told a seminar, organized by China Development Research Foundation.

Song and Cheng both said things could get worse next year. Chinese farmers' income will take a greater beating next year because of the financial crisis.

Chinese farmers' cash income increased by 11 percent in real terms to reach 3,971 yuan ($580) per person in the first three quarters of this year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. But cash income is not equal to net income, which includes cash plus incomes from other sources after deduction of various costs, analysts said.

Prices of agricultural products rose at home after surging in the international market in the first half of this year, Cheng said. But the financial crisis, which has also hit the agricultural product market, has driven down prices dramatically.

In the past three months, for example, the price of soybean has fallen by about half in the international market, and that of wheat by 20-30 percent. Despite China's recent move to raise grain purchase prices, there is a strong possibility of prices falling in the domestic market, Cheng said.

"Farm product prices are already falling in the domestic market this will hurt farmers' income," Song said. On the other hand, the costs of fertilizers and energy are rising, and that will reduce returns.

The financial turmoil and the slowdown in the global economy have caused a good number of bankruptcies in China. Many of the ones to collapse are small enterprises that mainly used to employ farmers-turned migrant workers.

"China's labor-intensive sectors, such as textile, have been hit hard," Cheng said. "And they are the major employers of migrant workers."

"Enterprises both in cities and rural areas are downing shutters, and our field research shows the process will continue for some time," Song said.

Things are likely to worsen next year abroad, too, because the financial crisis could cut consumption in the US, Europe, as well as Asia and reduce the demand for China's agricultural products, Cheng said.

The country will have a difficult time meeting its target of doubling farmers' income by 2020, taking 2008 as the base year, Song said. The target was set at the 3rd Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China's Central Committee this month.

To achieve that goal, the country would have to have an annual economic growth of about 6 percent throughout the next decade, he said.


VIP Professional
Chemical concerns grow over China's livestock feed

BEIJING, Oct 31 (AFP) Oct 31, 2008
China's state-run press warned Friday a toxic chemical found in eggs and milk was likely being mixed into livestock feed, in the clearest official indication yet that other foods may be contaminated.
"The feed industry seems to have acquiesced to agree on using the chemical to reduce production costs while maintaining the protein count for quality inspections," the state-run China Daily said in an editorial.

Authorities in the eastern metropolis of Shanghai have already ordered that more than 100 fish farming enterprises in the city be tested to see if their feed is tainted with melamine, the Shanghai Daily reported.

It was one of the first reports warning seafood may also be laced with the chemical that made headlines in August after authorities admitted it had been mixed into milk.

The contaminated milk resulted in the deaths of four babies from kidney failure and the sickening of 53,000 others.

Hong Kong authorities reported last weekend that melamine had also been detected in Chinese eggs, leading to concerns the chemical was much more prevalent in China's food chain than initially believed.

Melamine is an industrial chemical normally used to make plastics and can lead to severe kidney problems if ingested in large amounts by humans.

But, after an initial cover-up by Chinese authorities, it was eventually discovered that the chemical was being routinely mixed into watered-down milk to give it the appearance of being protein rich.

Following the egg revelations, authorities are now investigating whether mixing melamine into livestock feed for the same reason is also a widespread practice.

"We cannot say for sure if the same chemical has made its way into other types of food," the China Daily editorial said.

"We hope it has not. But if fodder can be confirmed as the source of contamination for both the eggs and milk, action must be taken to check how widespread the use of this chemical is in the fodder industry."

Meanwhile, the Chinese company blamed for selling the original batch of tainted eggs to Hong Kong is suing its feed provider, according to the official People's Daily newspaper.

The brief report said an investigation by the company, Hanwei, found that livestock feed provided by Xinmin Mingxing company contained melamine.

Both companies are based in the northeastern province of Liaoning.

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Now that the authority has caught on with melamine, the corrupted entrepreneurs will just find another chemical as a replacement... possibily an even more deadly one. It may be counterintuitive, but to discourage chemical additives in foods, they may need to decrease food quality standard, rather than increase it.


VIP Professional
Just to give you an idea what melamine is, check those white household glues. That's a legitimate application of melamine. Another, which you can find in hardware stores, are latex concrete and mortar bonding additives. They come in plastic containers and the liquid---no surprise---is milky white. You mix them with cement and mortar to make them stronger. When mixed with mortars for laying tiles, it would improve the mortar's adhesion.

Its not hard to see how the production of melamine is initially connected for the Chinese construction boom.

Its ironic to see the melamine scandal as a direct result of government mandated standards or at least, people trying to cheat it. The government probably should let go of the protein standards, lest to reduce the motivation to come up with some other way to cheat it.


Junior Member
Dropping standards is not the cure. Criminals will dilute and then add melamine if the standards are low anyway, just to improve the bottom line. It is all about enforcement.


VIP Professional
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China govt analysts see yuan up 1-2% in '09 -report

SHANGHAI, Nov 3 - Analysts at China's top planning body and a government think tank expect the appreciation of China's yuan to slow to 1 to 2 percent in 2009 as the U.S. dollar remains strong, according to a report cited in the official China Securities Journal on Monday.

In a research paper presented at a conference over the weekend, analysts at the National Development and Reform Commission, the top planning agency, and the State Information Centre said they also did not rule out the possibility of periods of yuan depreciation against the dollar over the course of next year.

The yuan has appreciated more than 6.3 percent so far this year against the dollar, although it has held relatively stable in recent months while the dollar rallied amid the deepening global credit crisis.


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The workers of Dongguan are used to Christmas coming early. Summer and autumn are normally the busiest months for those who toil seven days a week in the toy factories in this city in Guangdong Province, the heartland of China's manufacturing industry. China is the world's largest producer and exporter of toys, so long hours of overtime are needed to ensure that Christmas presents for children in Britain and elsewhere reach shops by November.

This festive season, though, many of Santa's real-life Elves have no jobs at all.

Since the beginning of 2008, over half of the toy exporters in Guangdong - some 3,900 firms - have gone out of business, according to customs officials.

The economic boom that has drawn millions of workers from all over China to this southern province near Hong Kong is over, as companies suffer the effects of the recession gripping the West. Now, anger amongst the unemployed is on the rise, raising the spectre of social order breaking down in what was once China's most prosperous region.

Even before the global financial meltdown, China's manufacturers were being squeezed by rising production and transportation costs, as well as the strengthening Chinese currency, the Yuan. But it is only in the last few weeks that the scale of the crisis has become apparent. Two weeks ago the Smart Union toy company, which made toys for the US giants Disney and Mattel, including Barbie dolls, abruptly shut down its factories in Dongguan. The Hong Kong owners and senior managers vanished, leaving 7,000 people without jobs.

It is a story being repeated all over Guangdong, as the makers of everything from handbags to tee-shirts and shoes go bust. Tens of thousands of people have been left unemployed and destitute, as unscrupulous bosses take advantage of China's lax labour laws by disappearing without paying their workers the back pay they are habitually owed.

Those toys factories still in business are either downsizing or reducing wages to the bare minimum. Outside the Intex Toys and Plastic Electronics factory, a poster offers jobs for 770 Yuan (£70) a month, the minimum wage. It is not enough for Luo Yi Yuan, 31, who could earn that in his hometown in south-western Guangxi Province. "I've worked for three toy factories in the last five years. Two of them shut in August," he said. "I've been looking for a job that pays at least 1,600 Yuan (£144) for the last two months."

He is not alone. China's official unemployment rate is four per cent out of a work force of 800 million, but many experts believe that is a serious underestimate in a country where as many as 150 million people are migrant workers like Mr Luo. In bleak Dongguan, a sprawling, featureless city where box-like factories sit alongside newly built apartment blocks, the surplus of labour means that employers can get away with housing their workers in spartan dormitories with basic bunk beds, while making them work 10-12 hour days, seven days a week.

Many routinely pay their workers months in arrears. When Smart Union shut down, its 7,000 employees were owed wages of between six weeks and two months of their labour. After thousands of them protested outside the locked factory gates, the local government was forced to step in and compensate them with 24 million Yuan (£2.1 million) of public money.

Action by the authorities stems from the fear that the factory closures could spark riots. There have been sit-ins and protests across the Guangdong region in the last few weeks, as more and more factories have closed. On the day The Sunday Telegraph visited Dongguan, hundreds of unemployed workers gathered outside the city government's offices protesting over the failure to pursue factory owners who fail to pay their workers. It has been a grim introduction to the downside of the free market system that China has embraced in recent decades, and shows also how the country's fortunes are now closely intertwined with those of the West.

Dongguan's Labour Bureau claim they are doing what they can to help workers, but say they can do little when the owners simply skip town. "We didn't get any notification from Smart Union about them closing. The bosses just disappeared. We are looking for them, but some bosses are using the economic crisis to avoid their responsibilities," said Ning Kang, a bureau official. "We're telling the workers they need to maintain order and be calm and we will compensate them."

But that compensation is rarely for the full amount people are owed. Outside the bureau, security guards keep a wary eye on the steady stream of unemployed arriving with complaints, while touts for law firms hand out business cards and make optimistic promises about how factory owners can be sued. For Liao Rui Min and his two workmates that is not an option; their boss disappeared at the beginning of October; owing the 88 people who worked in his factory making chidren's shoes for export to the UK and the US three months' pay.

Mr Liao and his co-workers have been offered 65 per cent compensation by the Labour Bureau. "We don't think that's enough. The equipment in the factory must be worth one million Yuan (£90,000). It should be sold and then we can get the full amount," said Mr Liao, 32, who earned 3,000 Yuan (£270) a month as one of the factory supervisors.

His friend Ran Jianjun is desperate for the money he is owed, because like many migrant workers his family in central Hubei Province rely on his salary to make ends meet. He is not optimistic about finding a new job that will pay enough to enable him to carry on sending money home. "A lot of factories aren't hiring, or they want very young people because they think they have more energy," he said.

Tales of exploitation and horrific injuries abound in Dongguan, reminiscent of the industrial era in Victorian Britain, when the rough edges of early capitalism gave birth to trade unions and social reform movements. Wang looks like any other teenager, until he offers his mangled right hand for a handshake. The 18-year-old, who asked that his full name was not used, was injured while making pillows for export on a machine he had two weeks' training on. He lost two fingers and the remaining digits are heavily scarred and useless.

"I'd been working eleven hours straight and was tired. I always wanted to work overtime because we got paid more if we exceeded our daily quota of pillows," said Wang, who earned 1400 Yuan (£126) a month. He has been offered 100,000 Yuan (£9,000) compensation but, as he is unlikely to work again, he has been advised by the Dagongzhe Migrant Worker Centre, a Shenzhen-based body that offers legal advice to migrant workers, that he should receive double that.

The only winners in Dongguan have been local children, for whom Christmas has come early. After Smart Union shut down, piles of its toys were simply abandoned at its warehouse, allowing youngsters to help themselves


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Forbes rich list: Financial turmoil hits China's super-wealthy

by Staff Writers
Shanghai (AFP) Oct 30, 2008
The credit crunch and financial crisis have more than halved the combined wealth of China's richest people, Forbes magazine said Thursday as it released its annual Chinese billionaires list.

The ranking illustrates how fortunes have risen and fallen over the past tumultuous year as the net worth of mainland China's 40 richest people fell 57 percent to 52 billion dollars from 120 billion dollars, Forbes Asia said.

Coming out on top was Shanghai-based agricultural feed tycoon Liu Yongxin with a net worth of three billion dollars while 20 billionaires including paper recycling queen Yan Cheung, who was once ranked as China's richest person, have dropped off the list entirely.

Cheung's company, Nine Dragons Paper, has lost 95 percent of its peak value and her net worth is now estimated at 295 million, the magazine said.

Last year's number one, 27-year-old property heiress Yang Huiyan, saw 14 billion dollars wiped off of her fortune in part due to ill-timed acquisitions, Forbes said. She fell to number three on this year's list with 2.22 billion dollars.

Number two on the list, with 2.7 billion dollars, is Huang Guangyu, founder of Gome, China's largest chain of consumer electronics stores. Huang, a native of south China's Guangdong province who also goes by the Cantonese name Wong Kwong Yu, moved up eight spots from last year.

Liu, this year's number one, started building his fortune in 1982 when he and his three brothers used 120 dollars in savings to start raising quails and chickens, the magazine said.

They split up the business in 1995 and are now China's only family of billionaires.

Liu moved to Shanghai, where his East Hope Group is one of China's biggest feed companies, the magazine said. He also owns aluminium smelters.

At 60, Liu is well above the list's average age of 49 -- eight of the billionaires on the list are under the age of 40.

Among them is 37-year-old Internet entrepreneur William Ding Lei, once China's richest man, who was among 10 billionaires who returned to the list after dropping off in past years.

Lei's online gaming company Netease saw its profits rise 40 percent in the second quarter and his flagship game "Fantasy Westward Journey" is one of China's top 10 downloads, Forbes said.

He signed a three-year contract with US game developer Blizzard Entertainment to distribute "StarCraft 2" and "" on the mainland.

The highest ranked newcomer on the list is Zhou Chengjian, at number five with a net worth of two billion dollars. Zhou, 43, created the fashion brand and retail chain Metersbonwe, which raised 200 million through a stock market floatation in August, Forbes said.

He opened his first store in 1995 and now has 2,200 across China.

Also among those from last year's list who failed to return was Larry Yung, whose Citic Pacific lost up to two billion dollars due to unauthorised currency bets.


Banned Idiot
These recent economic events have certainly exposed Chinas shortcomings as a manufacturer of quality products, looking after its workforce as well as procurer of resources to expand its industrial production.Something is seriously wrong with management thinking, when for example a company like Sanlu and many others is given special exemption from quality control as it is regarded as a first class company, turns around and abuses this trust.
Can you see BMW, Mercedes, Boeing , Rolls Royce doing this?... that is when the going gets tough, by lowering quality through fakery??
Its very hard not to bring politics into it but unless a genuine attempt for reconciliation it could find itself in the 'poop' as regards Tibet and Taiwan, especially if the Democrats win the election and with an extreme critic of China in Nancy Pelosi as leader of the house.
Production quality has certainly raised the Question of China being a trustworthy trading nation, and with the current economic environment we could see a backlash with the financially beleaguered countries resorting to protectionism. THere has even been talk of Banks giving preference to corporations that establish local manufacturing, not for FDI purposes.or to meet import costs.. If that idea was to take hold, that would create serious problems in China.
It is very short sighted in the way it goes about gathering resources in other Countries such as Myanmar and Africa.It has a wonderful opportunity in Africa to create a lasting appreciation of its presence in Africa and others, but unfortunately it is also creating alot of bad feelings among the local people with its policy of bringing in thousands of its own people to do the workand other such things, which im sure u are all aware of.