You may be right, but nobody paid attention when China passed US ppp GDP, everybody will pay attention when China passes US nominal GDP
Fairly sure the way both nations plan their economies, the moment of syzygy was immensely important, but mainly to government economists.
Other nations also paid attention, mostly ones whose fate is intertwined with Asia. For example SK's attitude has changed and Japan is far less openly aggressive. And whatever OPEC is doing.
Despite not being the global reserve currency, it seems that China is the number 1 economic influencer nowadays, whether you are the British, Saudis, Russians or in South America, and they are treated that way.
So, reality whether domestic or foreign lines up with what is projected by China's actual gdp and not the downwards adjusted one due to RMB depreciation.
What US itself claims, it will keep doing whatever it wants. I don't think any official American documents claim they are the largest economy ever since China passed them. Perhaps the occasional chest thumping nationalist speech makes this claim, because they don't need to base policy on stuff like that.
Instead, Americans talk about being "the best market" "the largest community of free markets" and so on. The best and the "free" are cool terms because they are subjective.
Americans will keep claiming they are the "best" now just like they've done ever since China passed them and for the foreseeable future. Nothing will really change that.