Wasn't the government trying to cool off growth for the last two years, and every economist and their dog was advising that as well? Well now growth has slipped a little -- still well above everyone else -- suddenly it's cause to panic?
On another note
... So apparently the chinese authorities are lying about growth numbers? Then what else are they lying about? And they could've been lying for the last twenty years about growth omgosh we've all been played! the skyscrapers and cities and the population elevated from poverty were all part of a massive fabricated hoax!
On another note
By Bob Davis
China reported that GDP growth slowed substantially in 2011 to 9.2%, compared to 2010’s 10.4%. But maybe it slowed more – a lot more.
That’s the suspicion voiced by China analyst Derek Scissors of the Heritage Foundation in Washington DC, who has long maintained that Chinese stats are about as reliable as the Boston Red Sox during a pennant run.
“China’s economic statistics are usually inconsistent, occasionally wildly inconsistent, and do not seem to be improving in quality,” Mr. Scissors writes. He says in 2011, Chinese authorities are “very likely exaggerating growth.”
His evidence: Growth in auto sales plunged . Orders for news ships, a big export item, fell even harder. Meanwhile, oil imports increased just 6%, compared to 17.5% in 2010.
Add to that a fall in foreign exchange reserves in the fourth quarter of 2011, which, he says, suggests that Chinese investors find a “sluggish world economy being more attractive than China’s own.”
Mr. Scissors says that bad data leads to bad policy. The faster the Chinese economy is seen to grow, the less incentive there is for Chinese leaders to try to shift their economic growth model to rely more on domestic consumption – a move that’s been urged by government officials around the world and a slew of economists.
Things are so bad he calls for the U.S. Department of Commerce to compile its own estimates of Chinese economic indicators.
But Tom Orlik, a Wall Street Journal columnist and author of “Understanding China’s Economic Indicators,” thinks the China-is-lying case is itself exaggerated. Chinese collection of statistics “is not perfect,” he writes in his book. “Some data points are more reliable than others. But neither is it a farce.”
... So apparently the chinese authorities are lying about growth numbers? Then what else are they lying about? And they could've been lying for the last twenty years about growth omgosh we've all been played! the skyscrapers and cities and the population elevated from poverty were all part of a massive fabricated hoax!