Chinese Economics Thread


Junior Member
The above is one of the better spin jobs Ive read for a long time.In essence, manufacturers in the West moving off shore has seen the loss of millions of jobs with the subsequent social consequences. Meanwhile as China prospered she has re-exported several hundred thousand mostly menial jobs back.. .... Whoop de do.

Those without legit marketable skills make up for the majority of the people who lost their jobs. They were mostly grossly overpaid too. Think all union workers.

I know this is a military forum but please do the entire world a favor by learning some basics economics. Most if not all Chinese billionaires are self made and are rarely a subcontractor for international conglomerates. Deregulation by the very politicians you chose to elect live off banksters' contributions and have gradually impoverished the middle class. That's simply how the "game" is played in the West.

In China bribery is the most common form of corruption. In Western countries, it's legalized under the name of political contributions. ;)
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Junior Member
Those without legit marketable skills make up for the majority of the people who lost their jobs. They were mostly grossly overpaid too. Think all union workers.

I know this is a military forum but please do the entire world a favor by learning some basics economics. Most if not all Chinese billionaires are self made and are rarely a subcontractor for international conglomerates. Deregulation by the very politicians you chose elect live off banksters' contributions and have gradually impoverished the middle class. That's simply how the "game" is played in the West.

In China bribery is the most common form of corruption. In Western countries, it's legalized under the name of political contributions. ;)

That is what I always think about the west and east for the last sentence XD


Banned Idiot
Those without legit marketable skills make up for the majority of the people who lost their jobs. They were mostly grossly overpaid too. Think all union workers.

Oh Really ... So you think being paid $12.50 hr max is being grossly overpaid as a union textile worker/seamstress/machinist? After thats what they were getting when off shoring to China began

know this is a military forum but please do the entire world a favor by learning some basics economics. Most if not all Chinese billionaires are self made and are rarely a subcontractor for international conglomerates. Deregulation by the very politicians you chose to elect live off banksters' contributions and have gradually impoverished the middle class. That's simply how the "game" is played in the West.

In China bribery is the most common form of corruption. In Western countries, it's legalized under the name of political contributions. ;)

Funny but I dont remember ever being taught the corrupt practices of Chinese billionares and political contributions by banksters in economics 101

You may call me old fashion but it would be better to pay a little more for something that lasts a good few years than less for something that either doest work straight out of the box or breaks very shortly after a few uses. If us middle class people got sucked into anything, its the throw away society.
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Banned Idiot
It's called fact.

Spin is lying about how Made in China means Profited by China. Did China put a gun to these foreign corporations' heads? They chose to outsource so they can make more money. If countries complaining about outsourcing can't keep those jobs, that's their own fault. It's pretty easy. Make a law that prevents outsourcing. What? Is China putting a gun to your government's head? Isn't that an act of war? Why hasn't the bombs started falling? Because there's spinning and lying from the beginning to cover up the greed of the elites of the complainer's own countries. Start a war because of problems completely of your own making... That's evil.

And look whos bending over backwards to be recognised as a market economy


Lieutenant General
And who's whining that China won't give them money with no strings attached while at the same time expecting China to for every other country? Don't really see China bending over backward when it's charged that China won't bend to their will on anything. Love the spin.


Lieutenant General
Yup she must want to be part of the action, as i did hear that they were considering allowing a limited amount odf derivitives and short selling.

Yeah but you don't want too many of the hot money going around in your market. Look at it did to the housing sub prime mortgages in the US?


Banned Idiot
And who's whining that China won't give them money with no strings attached while at the same time expecting China to for every other country? Don't really see China bending over backward when it's charged that China won't bend to their will on anything. Love the spin.

Is there any chance of sticking with the topic, instead of wandering off on a variety of tangents?:roll:

and FYI some are totally against the thought of borrowing from China , which drew the derision of many.
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Lieutenant General
Like you didn't go off topic? Seeking market economy status had to do with what? Oh I know. You were just fishing for anything to make China look like it was in the weaker position. That's been happening a lot with the developed economies who can't figure out how to live beyond their means without sacrifice.