Chinese Economics Thread


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Here's something funny for you guys.

According to an exiled Chinese scientist, China's population is apparently 130 million less than official figures.....because...???


Senior Member
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Kateeva would probably go out of business without the Chinese so unless the Murikkkans are willing to cut the nose to spite the face ,they will play nice with Kateeva's customers .

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.This was in 2020 btw

US-based OLED inkjet printing developer
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announced a massive layoff plan - the company will slash its staff by 144 employees, including a number of executives - its president, CMO and COO.

Kateeva YIELDJet TFE system photo

This is sad news - and surprising as well as Kateeva seems to be on the forefront of OLED inkjet printing. Kateeve raised over $125 million (including
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) and is working with
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, BOE,
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and other companies. The company is leading with ink-jet printing of OLED encapsulation materials and was set to supply Samsung with the
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for SDC's upcoming QD-OLED TV line.

According to Andrew M. Abrams from Supply Chain Market Research, Samsung decided to adopt different QD ink-jet printing tools from Korea-based SEMES instead of Kateeva. Kateeva was banking on Samsung's orders and the loss of that business is the main reason behind the recent layoffs.

According to Andrew Kateeva is set to receive a new investment from Chinese investors - and as part of that deal the company's focus will shift sharply to support Chinese companies in their drive towards OLED encapsulation ink jet printing, to the point where OLED material printing deposition will no longer be developed at Kateeva.

Since China has more downstream Industries, they have leverage here. I also saw the board member lists, 5 out of 12 are from China
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Junior Member
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The most disgusting thing in my view, is that after anglo america forced japan to hand over patents after the Plaza Accords, and after the US basically forced wealth and tech transfer to the anglos, the most disgusting thing is that anglo america did nothing with it, nothing that would benefit humanity as a whole.
All they did was produce shit and profits for themselves but no tangible tech advancements, no moon bases, no interstellar drives, no antigravity, no anti cancer meds, nothing that stealing japan's tech would have entailed.
No, it's an indictment to the cultural greed and sociopathy of the anglo american mindset; after stealing japanese IP and semiconductor tech, they never thought to capitalise on that tech, certainly they were capable of it as lasers in the 70s, carl sagan and steve jobs et al demonstrated, but rather, a distinct lack of will and courage to pursue these scientific pursuits was evident because their priorities lay in ensuring they could continue to sit like feudal lords over the enslaved coloured masses on non whites.

This anti scientific and anti life philosophy is evident in the christian fascism of the US powerbroker elites eg Pompeo, Cotton etc.

However, i remain confident that China has the potential for humanity to reach fusion tech/ alcubierre drives, antimatter tech etc given the advances we've seen coming from China these past 2 decades.
I think you missed what I was pointing out about your examples of missed opportunities. You said the Anglo-Americans squandered tech advancements like "no moon bases, no interstellar drives, no antigravity, no anti cancer meds, nothing that stealing japan's tech would have entailed". Inventing interstellar drives and antigravity from stolen Japanese tech is so ridiculous, it looks like you said it sardonically on purpose. So, for you to claim the Anglo-Americans could have and should have done it while the rest of the world did NOTHING of the sort in the meantime makes it look like a sarcastic racist compliment of the Anglo-Americans and an insult to everybody else. You're feeding the beast, feeding racism. I'm just pointing it out because the type of tech advances you mentioned would catapult Humanity to a Kardashev Type II Civilization. This is thousands of years into our future, IF EVER. The Anglo-Americans have created a lot of scientific and tech advancements since the 1990s. They didn't make advances in interstellar drives or antigravity because they simply aren't capable of it. This is like asking rhesis monkeys to understand E=MC2. So, when you attribute this capability to relative rhesis monkeys, aka. Anglo-Americans, it makes all the other monkeys....everybody who is not an Anglo-American, look inferior by comparison.