At the moment the major problem facing the Chinese is climate change resulting in increase rainfall in Central and South China causing spring and summer floods damaging crops and properties while North China is parched. How to transfer the excess rainfall in Central and South China to the dry north without letting the runoff causing damages and wasted by discharging into the sea? The retained water in dams in the south need to be pumped north in big pipelines to higher elevations for storage just before the arrival of spring and summer flood water. This can solve two problems at once.It's a dumb project and doesn't solve any water problems.
What is the timeline for this project? When will this project finish construction? When will this project pay off? How long is this project expect to last? The answer is probably hundreds of years for payback.
None of those questions will matter once the water runs out in Tibet. If those glaciers all melt, there is no source water and you end up with a dry trench costing trillions.
There is already an ongoing project for that since 2002. This is a multi decade, probably the biggest construction project in Chinese history you never heard. Just like water conservation projects in ancient times in China, this project is to benefit the Chinese civilization for at least a thousand years.At the moment the major problem facing the Chinese is climate change resulting in increase rainfall in Central and South China causing spring and summer floods damaging crops and properties while North China is parched. How to transfer the excess rainfall in Central and South China to the dry north without letting the runoff causing damages and wasted by discharging into the sea? The retained water in dams in the south need to be pumped north in big pipelines to higher elevations for storage just before the arrival of spring and summer flood water. This can solve two problems at once.
Does the South-North water transfer scheme cater for the peak flow occurring during the Spring/Summer rain? If it does then there shouldn't be annual reports of flooding and damages to crops and properties. Gravity flow through the South-North water transfer project might not be able to deal with the peak flow in spring/summer. Only mechanical pumping can cope with peak flow and store the water at higher elevation and at long distance for release to dry regions.There is already an ongoing project for that since 2002. This is a multi decade, probably the biggest construction project in Chinese history you never heard. Just like water conservation projects in ancient times in China, this project is to benefit the Chinese civilization for at least a thousand years.
Does the South-North water transfer scheme cater for the peak flow occurring during the Spring/Summer rain? If it does then there shouldn't be annual reports of flooding and damages to crops and properties. Gravity flow through the South-North water transfer project might not be able to deal with the peak flow in spring/summer. Only mechanical pumping can cope with peak flow and store the water at higher elevation and at long distance for release to dry regions.
Not required at all.State media isn’t the only medium for propaganda. In social media there are millions of content creator and trend setters who keep churning pro west and anti china videos, tweets and articles. Most of these people aren’t funded or directed by CIA. They do it either to be popular or by sense of duty to their nation, race. There are very few content creator who make pro china contents and most of them are either banned by lot of complains or not quiet popular in western media platforms.
due to china’s great firewall, this organic freelance propaganda arm of china in cutoff. So we are hearing only western view in western media. BJP IT cell and hyper nationalistic indians literally drown any anti india news and flood the internet with pro indian contents. Just look at IMDB rating for shitty indian movies. Almost all of them are above 80% rating while awesome hollywood movies are just 70%. China need to unlease its citizen to do PR plasic surgery into the tarnished image of china in the world.
We don't want all jobs going to Vietnam here do we?I don't understand the logic behind this. Increase in the minimum wage in Shanghai by 110 yuan LoL. In Poland every year by 200 zł (340 RMB), that's too much and I see it in prices. But I don't see a move to raise the consumption in the lowest earners in China.
50% is pure thievery. Even here in the west people think 20~30% is way to much.
I've looked up to app gallery and there is still no genshin impact. Huawei is shortsighted if it's taking 50% fee still.