Chinese Economics Thread


Lieutenant General
Nah I won't worry about China economic strength One swallow doesn't make it a summer Here is good article from SCMP previously held belief that china export machine will grind to a halt as this pandemic fade away. But that is not the case as China export machine continue chug along

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A sharp uptick in coronavirus cases in India and several Asian countries is diverting business to China, ensuring that its manufacturing engine will continue being the main driver of global trade demand, analysts said, pointing to the resilience of China’s economy and
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Last year, the Asia-Pacific region outperformed amid its significantly lower infection and death rates relative to other regions. However, several domestic economic recoveries are being threatened by a combination of the emergence of more virulent strains globally, recurring waves of Covid-19 and sluggish progress in public vaccinations, according to analysts.

Of particular note is India, which has seen daily Covid-19 cases surge to unprecedented levels, making it the second-worst-hit country based on total infections. The health crisis has put the medical system under heavy pressure in many large cities, with
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, blood plasma, key drugs and hospital beds. A number of Indian states have responded by
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, varying from night curfews to weekend lockdowns.

“Previously, everyone thought China’s lead in getting the virus under control would fade away as the US and UK gradually opened up their economies and boosted global demand,” said Carie Li Ruofan, an economist at OCBC Wing Hang Bank. “But because the epidemic is still quite severe in parts of Asia, China is going to have to keep playing the role as the world’s factory.”(cont)


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How do you use the digital RMB? Is there any app to download?
I'm actually interested to know more about it as well but I think it's still early on testing phase and it would be something like bitcoin except this would be regulated by the government just like any other currency we are using.

According to China's central bank, digital yuan will co-exist with Alipay, wechat and such thus I think when it is ready to go global, our local banks and online payment should have options to obtain it.


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What a strange article, the Forbes one about the Chinese economy.

The guy wrote it, claims to be a professor of economics and a business person. Those qualifications, I do not question.

The odd part is he bases his analysis on the work of that Schuman character, but that Schuman is a historian or something like that, his area of expertise, if he has any, is in the social sciences and not business or economics.

The entire article was going up the wrong tree.

The basic idea is the same usual idea. Productivity drives long term economic growth. Increasing productivity means increasing growth.

China at this stage in its development, is going full out on more technology underpinned by 5G networks, and more advances in more scientific fields to be applies to the general economy, such as AI and life sciences medical industry.

If those guys who write these articles want to be China hands, they must watch that segment of the economy, the tech adaptation of the new network, and the medical advances.

There are more, too much maybe, but that is a start.

That article does not go there. Makes a couple of empty declarations, and declared a verdict, game over.

China’s Economic Miracle Is Ending! Man! It's Game Over!

Not safe for work, movie clip has profanity. Game Over!



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I love how the Wests tries to spin that China is going to collapse after the COVID-19 is handled in the US because they won't be buying PPE from China any more. Well how about what happens to the US economy when the government stops sending stimulus checks...
In the capital market, there is a notion of "flight to safety", which means capital flows to US under any perception of a crises. I think same can be said in the manufacturing market, which demonstrates flight to China under stress. Let's see if the current Covid-19 explosion is going to agree with my hypothesis.