@Kaeshmiri BRO lets take a look where the most vulnerable part of BRI lies,
West is nudging other nations to go the Australian Way and rip off BRI agreements.
ASEAN taken care of by RCEP
Pakistan with China and Iran deal Gwadar port prospect seems bright and also with CPEC.
China Iran 25 years deal sign and dusted
Turkey soured relations with the West and is in need of investment so NIHAO China
Russia and China understanding in effect the stability of Central Asia or the former Soviet Republic state.
Afghanistan the American were surrounded with Pakistan on board both in the SCO and BRI, so that outpost is irrelevant and a waste of resources.
So is Australia contribution to RBI significant? If you look at the map it isn't, they were added as an act of goodwill on the part of the Chinese and now that they voluntary pull out the Chinese are grateful...LOL, you can sense the glee in the foreign minister remark
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