UK wants trade concessions from China. And at the same time work with the US to contain China. Exact same strategy the EU is adopting.
A strategy like that is impossible because the world has changed.
The United States still entertain these grandiose ideas about the containment of China. The Europeans obviously do not.
The basis for European Union dealings with China is still based on the win-win principle, straight out of business school.
The signing of the CAI was Europe turning its back to America. Reading the statement from the recently concluded G7 meeting, the lack of initiative on the China issue in the G7 shows there is a complete break there inside that group.
The western alliances still exists, such NATO.
But those western alliances will not try to contain China, because everyone other than America is not really interested.
America will confront China to contain it.
Europe will confront China in order to obtain the win-win.
All we are left with is America going at it alone, such as the Trump years. Whether President Trump was successful in containing China, the facts speak for themselves.
And that is the problem. The facts here can be rather complicated, which means they are not understood by the Liberal media, or the facts are being deliberately distorted, or the facts are manipulated.