Chinese Economics Thread


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Chi or Qi concept, slowly ,steadily and with growing momentum,(like water, be like water my friend) the overwhelming forces that offer your opponent no choice but to accept its fait accompli.

As Xsizor posted before

I'm impressed.
This time last year (Dec 2019 - Jan 2020) I was quite concerned for China. It had HK protest, full on attacks sponsored by foreign agents and quickly replaced by a even more malicious threat - Coronavirus.
Add in -
-Trade war with USA (where it seemed like China had to buckle first)
-A border confrontation with India.

To say I was concerned is actually an understatement. Many other members were quite distressed too (if I may speak for others).

How quickly has the situation changed.

Coronavirus reigned in.
RCEP signed.
USA in turmoil due to Covid and elections.
EU economy in turmoil.
China managing to confront India into the winter.
And now a deal with EU.

Is it just pure luck or clever " 3D Chess" played by CCP members? I think it's the former. Luck is with China.

Or they had learned and practice SUN TZU art of war, Just like what happen during the Chinese civil war, as the nationalist throw everything including the kitchen sink to capture Yan'an (just like the American did on phase 1 deal), the CCP absorb the blow, survived and now with confidence began striking back, bit by bit gain growing momentum, just like chi or qi (energy force). I always find in Chinese literature and history this concept of Qi and how they were used.

Sun Tzu is overrated when it comes to the study of Chinese strategy. All these scholars think that studying Sun Tzu Art of War, or Miyamoto Book of Five Rings, you learn about Chinese strategy.

Best way to study Chinese strategy is through the strategy of games that embody these thoughts. Most in particular, Go. The second game you see that is the practice of Chinese strategy is Mahjong. Then some of the games even members of the CCP play, such as Poker.



China Wind Power Up 11%, Solar Power Up 8% and Nuclear Up 5% in 2020​

Nuclear Energy generation increased 5% in 2020 over 2019. China’s nuclear energy production was 331 TWh for the first 11 months of 2020. China generated 349 TWh in 2019 and is on track to generate 367 TWh in 2020.

Hydro power in China was up 5% over 2019.

China’s energy production was:

Type of Energy Generation 2019 / 2020 Estimate
Hydro 1302 TWh (18%) 1366 TWh
Nuclear 349 TWh (5%) 367 TWh
Wind 406 TWh (6%) 413 TWh
Solar 117 TWh (3%) 141 TWh.

China National Bureau of Statistics reported:
* China’s wind power is up 11% over 2019
* China’s Solar power was up 8% over 2019
* China nuclear and hydro were each up about 5%.

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Amazing, and the whole NZ electricity generated "only" 39 TWh a year ... mostly from Hydro, Geothermal and Wind about 90% renewable

Deleted member 15887

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Along with RCEP and EU deal and potential US-China reset under Biden, and if China can figure out the WS-15 and EUV or 7nm DUV, it should pave the way towards another decade of 7% GDP growth.

Otherwise RCEP and additional trade deals should atleast maintain 5% imo.
I feel they did this to pad up this year's growth in comparison (probably to make this year's growth ~2.5% up to even 3%)


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China-EU complete investment negotiation.

"Chinese President Xi Jinping and European leaders on Wednesday announced that the two sides have completed investment agreement negotiations as scheduled."​
"The announcement was made during a meeting between Xi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen via video link. "​
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新华视点微博2020/12/30 21:44

Deleted member 15887

Found this explanation of the implications of the EU-China Investment Agreement:
It's easy to see China needs this. It's important to consider why EU also needs this.
  • China will rise up above the US, economically at first. China's US Dollar GDP is now more than 70% of the US's - it's a matter of time. The US bested the British Empire economically a good five decades in the 1800s before becoming the leader of the Western world. China already has ASEAN tightly bound in its orbit of influence through RCEP no matter how many Chinese effigies they burn on the street. As the center of the world's fastest growing economic bloc China has a lot of cards to play that can either aid or harm EU interests.
  • Brexit is an open wound. EU needs to reinforce its economy to fend off against more member states breaking off. EU needs the consumer market (now the world's largest), the investment source, and the investment target to escape the economic doldrums it has found itself in for the past decade. Trade agreements made on behalf of the bloc are a huge disincentive for any member state to leave the bloc.
  • This new agreement is
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    to give EU companies a huge competitive advantage over US companies in the Chinese market. The relative advantage is so stark that EU is willing to tell the incoming US administration of Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, and Tai to all bugger off.
  • 70+ million people voted for Trump in 2020. Trumpism will live on in the US voter base. The future direction of US policy is uncertain even if Biden takes over in 2021. Trumpism in the context of EU has (1) betrayed previous agreements on Paris Accord and Iran deal, (2) undermined NATO and EU security and that weird kowtowing to Russia, (3) pulled out troops from Germany, (4) undermined EU leadership with open insults, (5) encouraged Brexit and breakup of EU, (6) eroded US institutions and democracy, and (7) engaged in miscellaneous acts of bad faith such as soliciting vaccine companies out of Germany and hijacking PPE at the airport; and that's just stuff that's been reported.
  • US technology and trade war against China has failed. Chinese export in November grew more than 22% compared to 2019, China-US trade surplus reached all time high, and China will be the only major economy with positive growth this year. The sub-10nm semiconductor export blockade against China will not hold long when China's consumer market accounts for more than half of the world's semiconductor demand. In 2020 alone, China has completed launching its own global satellite positioning system (Beidou, more accurate than GPS) and extracted dirt from the moon, then by God 5-nm MOSFET manufacturing is not insurmountable.
  • EU wants to play the power broker role in the US-China stand off in order to extract beneficial deals from both sides.
  • In security, EU needs to fend off against Russia more than it needs to fend off China. Having this deal is a great way to fend off Russia. Russia is as great a geopolitical security foe to China as the US is, with two sides oscillating in a frenemy dance depending on what the US is doing, and that's what China and EU have in common. In theory the US could deal a fatal blow to China by allying with Russia, but fortunately for China that is looking less likely with Biden.