Chinese Daily Photos, 2011 to 2019!

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Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

It never cease to amaze me that in most polytheistic if not downright secular countries it is totally ok and acceptable to wish people Merry Christmas and celebrate Christmas (even if they don not know the true meaning) BUT in these United States of America today in our politically overcorrect country it is NOT OK to wish someone Merry Christmas lest they be offended instead we have replaced it with Happy Holidays or Winter Holidays!!!!
I am not kidding. At my work, for the longest time we had or annual Christmas Luncheon but recently it has been switched to Winter Luncheon!!
In most public places people wish you Happy Holidays ... no doubt due to corporate policy. When they say I smile and always reply with Merry Christmas to you to.

sorry for the rant! had to get it off my chest! still pissed about the Winter Luncheon thing!

For I am not Christian nor do I live in the United States of America, can you please tell me how it is offended when wishing people "Merry Christmas"? For me, I believe the phrase "Merry Christmas" isn't originated from non-Christian countries.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

For I am not Christian nor do I live in the United States of America, can you please tell me how it is offended when wishing people "Merry Christmas"? For me, I believe the phrase "Merry Christmas" isn't originated from non-Christian countries.

I always say Merry Christmas..and always will. I've never met a person that stated they were offend by the term Merry Christmas..never. But there are some that are. That's their problem not mine. See I'm a Christian and were are bound with this commandment Jesus left with us;

John 13:34-35

King James Version (KJV)

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

And that means to love all of mankind not just who you want to!

Look Christmas is about the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, as in a religious holiday for the Christians.

Amen Brother Brat..Amen!

Merry Christmas!!!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

For I am not Christian nor do I live in the United States of America, can you please tell me how it is offended when wishing people "Merry Christmas"? For me, I believe the phrase "Merry Christmas" isn't originated from non-Christian countries.

You're right Steel, while Christmas is a traditional celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, as Christians we do not "impose" our faith on others under threat or coercion,,,,, we are commanded by our Savior to tell His story to those who are not Christians, in order that they too might have an opportunity to "accept" or "invite" Jesus to be their Savior as well. One of our young men from my previous church, accepted the calling to foreign missions, and serves in Cambodia as a full time missionary, he married his interpretor, and they now have a baby daughter. His Mom and Dad were so excited when Luke, Soka, and their baby where able to return to the States for a visit. They accepted Luke's wife and child as their daughter and granddaughter, with no reservations, and they are proud that Luke loves and feels called to serve the Cambodian people, as Lukes former Pastor, My wife and I are very proud of him as well as his wife and baby, their picture is hanging on our refridgerator... anyway, some people choose to be offended, some of us are thrilled to call Jesus Our Lord. Anyway brother, I pray I did not offend, I would be happy to answer ANY questions you may have, or concerns, hearing you tell about your country is very interesting as consider you a friend in a PM anytime, Merry Christmas Steel and Happy New Year. brat (mods, please feel free to edit or move this to an appropriate thread, thanks bax)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

I am not Christian nor do I live in the United States of America. Can you please tell me how it is offended when wishing people "Merry Christmas"?
Steel, in the United States, December 25th has been established as a National Holiday. It happened under President Ulysses S. Grant and he signed it into law when the Congress of that time passed it, designating that date by law as Christmas Day. It has been so ever since.

It is certainly based on the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth, because a very large majority of American are Christian. But it does not mean He was actually historically born on that date. We just celebrate it then.

So, it is a National Holiday and people say "Merry Christmas," to wish people a good day and conveys Christ's teachings to them in a very short form.

Now, in our culture there is also the story of Saint Nicholas, who I believe was a Greek monk who lived in Turkey a few hundred years after Christ and who was ultimately recognized by the Catholic Church as a Saint. He was an historical figure, and he went about doing good, and particularly giving to others who were in need per Christ's teachings and per the story of the Wise Men who gave gifts to Jesus on His birth.

One of the legends of Saint Nicholas' service is that he one time dropped some gold down a chimney to three children who had very little. From that, and that story intermingling with other legends, Santa Clause came into being as a mythical figure who lives at the North Pole and visits children all over the world on Christmas Eve and early Christmas morning and gives gifts to the children all over the world, including coming down their chimney to do so.

But the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Christ's birth, and particularly His message of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all men, and as Popeye wrote, His message to love one another.

As such, there is nothing at all offensive about wishing someone a Merry Christmas. You may not believe in Christ...but the message of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Man is universal. It is a good thing to wish to any person, and cuts across political, religious, and even cultural bounds.

Sadly there are some who reject Christmas solely because of its Christian heritage and want to change things into a much more secular, Winter Solstice type Holiday where the term "Happy Holidays," supplants, "Merry Christmas."

For those who feel that way, I say, fine. I have no problem with anyone wishing anyone else Happy Holidays. I sometimes say that too. But more often I say, "Merry Christmas," for the reason I mentioned above...and meaning no disrespect or offense in so doing because I am really wishing them Peace and Goodwill.

Sorry for the length...but MERRY CHRISTMAS! from the bottom of my heart.


Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Steel, in the United States, December 25th has been established as a National Holiday. It happened under President Ulysses S. Grant and he signed it into law when the Congress of that time passed it, designating that date by law as Christmas Day. It has been so ever since.

It is certainly based on the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth, because a very large majority of American are Christian. But it does not mean He was actually historically born on that date. We just celebrate it then.

So, it is a National Holiday and people say "Merry Christmas," to wish people a good day and conveys Christ's teachings to them in a very short form.

Now, in our culture there is also the story of Saint Nicholas, who I believe was a Greek monk who lived in Turkey a few hundred years after Christ and who was ultimately recognized by the Catholic Church as a Saint. He was an historical figure, and he went about doing good, and particularly giving to others who were in need per Christ's teachings and per the story of the Wise Men who gave gifts to Jesus on His birth.

One of the legends of Saint Nicholas' service is that he one time dropped some gold down a chimney to three children who had very little. From that, and that story intermingling with other legends, Santa Clause came into being as a mythical figure who lives at the North Pole and visits children all over the world on Christmas Eve and early Christmas morning and gives gifts to the children all over the world, including coming down their chimney to do so.

But the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Christ's birth, and particularly His message of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all men, and as Popeye wrote, His message to love one another.

As such, there is nothing at all offensive about wishing someone a Merry Christmas. You may not believe in Christ...but the message of Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Man is universal. It is a good thing to wish to any person, and cuts across political, religious, and even cultural bounds.

Sadly there are some who reject Christmas solely because of its Christian heritage and want to change things into a much more secular, Winter Solstice type Holiday where the term "Happy Holidays," supplants, "Merry Christmas."

For those who feel that way, I say, fine. I have no problem with anyone wishing anyone else Happy Holidays. I sometimes say that too. But more often I say, "Merry Christmas," for the reason I mentioned above...and meaning no disrespect or offense in so doing because I am really wishing them Peace and Goodwill.

Sorry for the length...but MERRY CHRISTMAS! from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for your long, full and meaning explanation for my simple short question.

I used to mention about this somewhere in our forum that my first written language was French. But, I studied French in a Catholic church in Vietnam back to early 80s. My teacher was a nun in that church and she was a Frenco-Vietnamese mix-blood. She did told us a lot about Catholic, Jesus, Mother Mary (Protestants don't consider Mother Mary as Holy) and Christmas which in French we call it Noёl. Catholic in Vietnam today use incense sticks to pray to God which might make you feel very funny. In Cambodia nowadays, though most Cambodian aren't Christians, they do celebrate the events but rather simple. Of all I know, from Vietnam to Cambodia and on the web, people do say "Merry Christmas" to each other on that day and it is never offensive. That is why I feel strange when some of our members say that it's offensive to say Merry Christmas and thank you again for your generous explanation.


The church where I used to study French at.
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

You fellows are all awesome!

Merry Christmas!

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People celebrate Christmas eve on Tuesday, Dec. 24 in the city's commercial hub center in Beijing.[CRI]

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St. Joseph's Church (also known as Wangfujing Church, Dongtang, or the East Cathedral) in Beijing holds an English-language mass on the Christmas Day's afternoon, Dec. 25, 2013 to accommodate the neccessity of foreign Christians in Beijing, the Chinese capital. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

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The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (colloquially known as the Xuanwumen Church, the South Church, or Nantang) in Beijing sets up a miniature of nativity in its yard on Christmas Day, Dec. 25. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

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Believers pray before the statue of Jesus Christ in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (colloquially known as the Xuanwumen Church, the South Church, or Nantang) in Beijing on the afternoon of Dec. 25, 2013, the Christmas Day. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

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Church of the Saviour (colloquially referred to as Xishiku Church, or Beitang -- the North Cathedral) in Beijing is fully decorated with ribbons and banners to commemorate Christmas on Dec. 25, 2013. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Since it's Christmas break where I work I'm working day shift today, tomorrow and Monday. I'll post pix later in the day.

I work maintenance by the way.
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