Chinese Daily Photos, 2011 to 2019!

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Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

So what's with the anti chinese backlash in Argentina? maybe MirageDriver can chime in.

From Newspaper “El Clarin”

En la provincia de Buenos Aires se produjeron desmanes en algunas ciudades, entre ellas el balneario de Mar del Plata, donde en las últimas horas fueron detenidas seis personas acusadas de saquear un supermercado chino. Se les secuestraron heladeras y mercadería, presuntamente robadas

El gobierno chino reclamó por la seguridad de sus ciudadanos, que poseen una extensa red de supermercados en toda la Argentina. El viceministro de Seguridad Pública de China, Li Wei, viajó al país "para abordar la cooperación contra la delincuencia dirigida contra ciudadanos chinos y los saqueos", indica el diario Clarín.

El presidente de la Federación de Supermercados y Asociaciones Chinas, Miguel Calvete, denunció que "suman más de 50 los comercios chinos perjudicados por estos hechos en diferentes provincias del país, incluyendo el asesinato del propietario de uno de los autoservicios y más de 15 heridos".

There were riots in some cities, including the resort of Mar del Plata, where in the last hours were arrested six people accused of looting a Chinese supermarket in the province of Buenos Aires. They made off refrigerators and merchandise allegedly stolen,

The Chinese government claimed for the safety of its citizens, who have an extensive network of supermarkets throughout Argentina. Deputy Minister of Public Security of China, Li Wei, traveled the country "to discuss cooperation against crime directed against Chinese citizens and looting," the newspaper Clarin.

President of the Federation of Chinese Associations Supermarkets, Miguel Calvete, reported that "total more than 50 Chinese businesses harmed by these events in different provinces, including the murder of the owner of one of the supermarkets and more than 15 injured" .


Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Miragedriver;259939 There were riots in some cities said:
Would that have had anything to do with the population taking advantage of the recent police strike?
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Thank you for your insight Miragedriver. To bad those bigoted attitudes, lack of police protection caused this riot and looting..


Lieutenant General
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Good afternoon all. This is one of those ugly racial things that trouble me a lot. Back in the 1990s President Carlos Menem was basically selling Argentine citizenship to anyone willing to pay the 10k to 20k in bribes. Many Chinese paid to obtain Argentine citizenship as a way of circumventing the quota of Chinese immigrants to the United States (yes in the 1909s Argentine citizens could immigrate to the US much easier than now).

When the USA shut the door on emigration from Argentina, may tens of thousands of Chinese where stuck in Argentina. So they made a go of it and became very successful. Most of then opened small mini markets and retail stores selling local and Chinese made products. They became so successful that their children went on to become doctors, lawyers and other professionals. Many poor (and lazy) Argentines became jealous and resentful of their success (of course not realizing the hard work that is involved). These stores and individuals then become the first places hit during the summer riots and when the poor don’t get want they want from Cristina K.

The Chinese Argentines are protesting for more security from the authorities.

Thank you Miragedriver for your honest insight.

First of all I hate to think the many Argentina poor are free loaders or anything like that. Is it possible because of lack of opportunity such as access to education, job training, or even small loans from banks that denied them could be of a major factor?


Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Thank you Miragedriver for your honest insight.

First of all I hate to think the many Argentina poor are free loaders or anything like that. Is it possible because of lack of opportunity such as access to education, job training, or even small loans from banks that denied them could be of a major factor?

You are right in your assesment. We tend to over generalise. For the most part people are hard working. However in all nations you will have a certain number of malcontents that cause trouble and are disingenuous to them-selves. These individuals require a scapegoat to blame for their own lack of ability and testicular fortitude to do something with their lives.

As in almost every nation of the world the poor have inferior schools in their neighbourhoods, few employment opportunities, other than menial labour and lending institutions will not provide lines of credit for investment due to the high risk. It is a vicious cycle of perpetuating misery. The only safety valve is to take out their frustration on an easy target, which in this case happens to be successful foreigners, sometimes the police and sometimes the affluent citizenry.

Sorry for getting off topic
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Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Number 6,7, 20 and that blond white girl on the back there (only non-Chinese there).:eek:

I must be becoming a dirty old man. I just noticed that the ladies have numbers pined on their clothes. I guess I was looking somewhere else. Talk about hiding in plain sight.
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