Chinese Black Projects

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Lieutenant General
And like I mentioned early in this thread. Why not use it for positive purposes for the US alone. The US just had the worst tornado disaster in 50 years. Couldn't do anything to stop it? How about controlling the weather to steer all that radioactivity coming out of Japan out of harms way? Or into harm's way of a country the US doesn't like.


Banned Idiot
And like I mentioned early in this thread. Why not use it for positive purposes for the US alone. The US just had the worst tornado disaster in 50 years. Couldn't do anything to stop it? How about controlling the weather to steer all that radioactivity coming out of Japan out of harms way? Or into harm's way of a country the US doesn't like.
It would be pretty obvious to everyone if suddenly the radioactive streams started moving in unnatural patterns. The populous would want to know how it was done, and inevitably that would lead to questions that people do not want to be discussed. There is nothing to say those tornadoes were caused by such electromagnetic weapons.
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Lieutenant General
And strangely radioactive produce from stricken Japanese areas were shipped to other Asian nations but none to Tokyo where a lot of that produce would've been without the meltdown. How did I find out about that? Because several different news stories reported each on those facts without connecting them. So it can be right in front of people's faces and not reported that way and no one questions it.


Banned Idiot
Brah, I know.

And strangely radioactive produce from stricken Japanese areas were shipped to other Asian nations but none to Tokyo where a lot of that produce would've been without the meltdown. How did I find out about that? Because several different news stories reported each on those facts without connecting them. So it can be right in front of people's faces and not reported that way and no one questions it.
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Lieutenant General
What sources do I need? It was widely reported China, Taiwan, and South Korea detected higher than normal radioactivity in produce imported from Japan. I also saw an American journalist sneak a geiger counter into markets and restaurants in Tokyo where he detected no radioactivity higher than normal and they happened about the same time. Add two and two together. How could Tokyo so close to the stricken areas have no higher than normal traces than other countries that imported produce from Japan? Like I said, no one else put it together. So you say if such weather control devices were used to direct radioactive fallout, it would've been reported? Not really as in the case about radioactive produce seemingly avoiding Tokyo but appearing in neighboring countries instead.

Disregard whether or not there's a conspiracy on where radioactive produce went. That's not the point. I'm telling this is a case where you say if such a conspiracy were to happen regarding weather control and radioactive fallout, it would be easily exposed as you say. No, because here are two facts about shipping radioactive produce. There's a question that comes up from the West's own reporting why Tokyo would not have radioactive produce in their market food chain but it appears in their exports to neighboring countries. Those two facts actually have been reported and no one is putting it together. So it can slip past scrutiny.
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Junior Member
As to weather machines, the atmosphere is immensely complex. Hell, we don't even understand how CO2 affects it, and we've been running that "experiment" for two hundred years.

Aso earthquake weapons. What about testing? I know many people say that these and those earthquakes, large and small, are results of testing of haarp. That these occur where earthquakes would likely occur is seen as a sign they're trying to cover it up. But think about it, if you want to test your ability to start an earthquake, you don't test that ability in the area with most risk of an earthquake starting anyway. How would you discern the effect of your weapon? We never how where and when an earthquake strikes anyway (we can only give probabilities). You don't give a guy sitting in the core of Chernobyl radioactive food to see if you can give him radiation poisoning....

You could perhaps start an earthquake unlikely far away from a fault line, but still you wouldn't be able to rule out the possibility of an earthquake happening there anyway. It's unlikely, but not impossible.


Just wanted to update this thread in regards to my claim of earthquake machines (electromagnetic weapons that can remotely alter climate, trigger earthquakes (and apparently even volcanoes)). Here is a transcript on the U.S. Department of Defense's website which refers to such weapons.

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The public pronouncements of the Pentagon will often have to be taken with a considerable pinch of salt. I remember reading in Aviation Week in or around 1986 that a spokesperson for that institution had said that there was a possibility of Libya sending its tank army to occupy Sudan, through a thousand miles of desert and with insufficient air cover, Sudan being in area the largest country in Africa and Libya having fewer than half the inhabitants of New York City.
In the cited transcript Mr. William S. Cohen also said a lot that in the mean time has proven to be rubbish. I need not commend on the Iraqi WMD's. I'll just say that the Iranian biological weapons have been all but forgotten.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
The 2008 Sichuan Earthquake was certainly a deliberate attack. It was even timed to mock the Chinese lucky number 8. It occurred exactly 88 days before the Olympics. What are the chances?


bd popeye super moderator
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