Chinese Aviation Industry


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To the south of Shanghai's Pudong International Airport is a 1,620 hectare (4,000 acre) site reserved for Comac's new final assembly centre.

An elaborate model sits in a temporary office on the site, detailing the layout of the future aircraft factory. It has 11 hangars for the assembly of both single-aisle and double-aisle aircraft, eight office buildings, and even a railway line for the easy transportation of parts and subassemblies.

Comac C919 Comac

China's commitment to the programme is unwavering. Since the 2010 ground breaking ceremony, 600 workers from five different construction firms have worked feverishly to get the site ready in time to help the C919 meet its 2014 first flight target. At least four hangars are in various stages of completion.

The world is closely watching the C919 programme, and the Chinese know what is at stake in terms of prestige. Still, they recognise their limitations, such as a lack of experience, aviation talent and infrastructure.

While many have criticised the programme, dismissing the C919 as a competitor to the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737, let alone their re-engined successors, the Chinese look beyond that. They are in for the long haul and they have never been more focused.

"This is not a 100m dash," a Comac official put it succinctly during Flight International's recent visit to the final assembly centre. This is the first time Comac has shown the site to a foreign journalist.

"We know what people are saying, but it's unrealistic to compare us to Airbus and Boeing. Look at the history they have, we are only a four-year-old company."

Comac was established in May 2008 with key businesses drawn from state-owned conglomerate Aviation Corporation of China (AVIC). This followed a 2007 government decision to develop China's first large commercial aircraft.

The company has grown from 3,800 employees in 2008 to 7,100 today, of whom 728 are foreigners.

The C919 was initially scheduled to enter service in 2020, but the programme was fast-tracked to 2016, with a first flight in 2014 - presumably to launch the Chinese narrowbody before the A320neo and 737 Max enter the market.

The 150-seater C919 programme is in the detailed design phase. Detailed design work and manufacturing drawings are due before the end of the year. Trial manufacturing is also scheduled to commence.

Despite Comac's determination, however, industry watchers say its troubled Comac ARJ21 regional jet programme - years late and still undelivered following design and certification issues - suggests the C919 schedule will slip as well.

Major suppliers of the C919 acknowledge that 2014 is a "tight timeframe", but reiterate that every party, especially Comac, takes the deadline seriously and is working tirelessly towards meeting it.

Comac is "within months" of the master schedule it has put out, says GE Aviation, which is providing the core processing system, cockpit display systems, onboard maintenance systems and flight recorders for the twin-engined aircraft.


Comac ARJ21 Comac

The programme has been hit by many delays. Comac suppliers say the company's experience on the ARJ21 regional jet will help the C919 programme run more smoothly and efficiently.

After a first flight in 2008, the 90-seat ARJ21-700 is still undergoing tests and certification.

Comac is using four test aircraft - 101, 102, 103 and 104 - for different tests, in an attempt to speed up testing and certification. These aircraft have flown over 2,800 hours in total, says Comac.

Sources had previously said that faults had been identified in the ARJ21's wings, wiring and computer systems, and that Comac is still trying to convince regulators that the aircraft meets standards.

The aircraft has yet to be certified by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). The US Federal Aviation Administration is conducting a shadow certification to evaluate the CAAC's ability to technically assess the aircraft. Comac can apply for the FAR 25 certification once the CAAC passes this shadow certification.

When asked why the programme had been delayed repeatedly, a Comac official said: "Boeing and Airbus only have to focus on research and technology of the new planes and even the Boeing 787 and the Airbus A380 were delayed. We have to develop the plane and at the same time, train the people and build the facilities."

He cited an example of how when the ARJ21 underwent anti-ice tests, six months had to be spent on building equipment for the tests.

On when he expects the ARJ21 to receive certification, he says the timeline is "still fluid" and that Comac will have a better gauge once the aircraft completes stall tests.

"This is one of the highest risk tests and is very critical. Things should speed up once this is done," he adds.

Suppliers in the programme say they are actively involved in the tests and have onsite engineering teams in Xian, the only airport in the country that has flight test capabilities.

GE Aviation has at least eight General Electric CF34-10A engines at ARJ21's final assembly line at Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing's facility. Aircraft 105 and 106 are also being assembled there, sources say.

Another reason for the delay of the ARJ21 programme - aside from the obvious fact that this is China's first major air transport aircraft - is that the Chinese chose to work with the regulators relatively late in its development.

"China chose to go a different route - a calculated process to make sure they understand everything they are doing with the aircraft and inviting the regulators in later, versus doing everything in parallel, which is what all the other airframers do," says GE Aviation's president of Greater China,
Chris Beaufait.

The good news is that suppliers have been told things will be done differently on the C919 - one of which is to have work done earlier together with the regulators.

"It's a different team and a different approach," says CFM International executive vice-president Chaker Chahrour.

GE Aviation and its Chinese partners are now "at an active time", preparing for a series of critical reviews. Once specifications are frozen, it will work through the design phase into the implementation and testing phase.

"The things that have come up - there's nothing outside the norm for a programme of this size and magnitude," says Chris Beaufait, president of Greater China, GE Aviation. "There have been no show stoppers per se, but every day there is something that comes up that we have to work through and solve."

CFM International executive vice-president Chaker Chahrour says the programme will go through its critical design review in November, where company leadership and experts will be aiming to give the green light for the release of hardware and drawings for manufacturing.

The Leap-1C engine, which CFM is developing for the C919, is also "progressing well". It is on track to have its first engine test in 2013, followed by the C919's first flight in 2014.

Rockwell Collins is also confident of meeting Comac's schedule. The firm is supplying the communication, navigation and surveillance systems for the C919.

"We're in very good discussions with Comac and are now waiting for some final definition on the system interface. We're in good shape from the engineering perspective to be on track," says Ron Ho, Rockwell Collins' managing director for China.

Honeywell, which is providing the fly-by-wire flight control system, auxiliary power unit, wheels and brakes and the inertial reference and air data systems, has been signing contracts and joint venture agreements with Chinese partners on top of developing the aircraft systems.

What is critical for the C919, suppliers say, is a smooth integration of input from the distinct parties.

"One area the entire supply base has to figure out with Comac is that the aircraft is an integrated product and it's critical to get all parts right. No matter what programme it is, that's a lot of work to get right," says GE's Beaufait.

To help the programme along, Honeywell is also providing Comac, AVIC and other C919 partners training on certification and programme management, among other issues. Its systems have passed the joint development stage and are undergoing various stages of detailed design configuration.

It is also helping Comac understand the US Federal Aviation Administration's certification process and what types of documents are necessary to keep the process moving forward.

While suppliers are "pretty certain" that the C919 can achieve its first flight target, what really matters is for the programme to go through certification fast.

"The first flight is a critical milestone but the real question is, after you get the aircraft flying, what's the plan on moving into certification?" says Beaufait. "Because until the aircraft is certified, you can't sell it, and it's no surprise that every supplier on the programme wants the C919 to be a commercial success."

Comac has 330 orders for the C919, mostly from Chinese airlines and leasing companies. Customers of the narrowbody have not made deposits for the aircraft, and will only finalise financial details and delivery schedules after the first flight.

The airframer also has plans to develop up to six variants of the C919, including military and freighter models. Pratt & Whitney is working with Comac on preliminary studies of new variants for the C919.

When asked whether Comac is worried that programme delays could hurt the C919's competitiveness and sales, the Comac official says the company's top priority is to ensure that the aircraft is a safe product.

"The China market is huge. There is no worry that there will be no demand, that no one will buy our aircraft. The most important thing is to make sure we build a safe aircraft," he says. He adds that Comac is pursuing Western certification for the ARJ21 not just so it can market the aircraft globally, but more importantly, to tell the world that the aircraft is safe - and not merely by China's standards.

Analysts, however, warn that delays can break a programme.

"With new aircraft programmes, airlines are cautious in placing orders and basing their business strategy on aircraft delivery," says Ravi Madavaram, aerospace and defense consultant at Frost & Sullivan. "The more delays, the fewer the orders as airlines face stiff competition and cannot risk delays in aircraft delivery."

The technology used on the C919 and its lack of composites suggest Comac will not be a competitive threat against Boeing and Airbus until 2025, says Madavaram.

He adds: "And this is if Boeing and Airbus stay at their current technology level, which for sure is not a realistic assumption."

Comac, however, is not standing still. It has established a research centre in Beijing where "foreign senior experts" research new technologies for future aircraft projects.

It also has plans for a widebody programme and has set aside land for a twin-aisle aircraft component and assembly facility at its upcoming final assembly centre in Shanghai.

"Once the C919 certification is complete and the aircraft goes into full production, we will focus on the twin-aisle aircraft. The aim is to have our own widebody by 2025," says the Comac official. Sources add that the final design for the widebody will be firmed up in the next five to 10 years.

Comac's final assembly line for narrowbodies will one day produce 30 C919s annually. The assembly centre will also be linked to Pudong airport's fifth runway, which will be built specifically for flight tests. The airport's fourth runway is also due to be opened at the end of 2012, in time for the C919's ground tests and first flight.

"Comac now has the added challenge of having to build entire infrastructure, processes, establish leadership and expertise which Boeing and Airbus did decades ago," says Beaufait. "It's a unique challenge, but I'm never one to bet against China."

For China, success in the aerospace industry is also a calculated move to put the country in the elite club of civil aircraft manufacturers, to showcase engineering prowess. It sees success as a sign that its economy is transforming towards high-end design and manufacturing.

It helps that Comac's employees have the same vision. Many have been with the company since its formation in 2008. Sources say designers on the C919 programme have been asked to work 12-hour shifts - and that few have complained about the long hours.

"This is the Chinese dream. We're all very focused," one employee tells Flight International.

Comac makes it a point to remind others of its vision. At the exit of its assembly centre is a giant billboard that reads: "To let China-made large aircraft fly in the blue skies."


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The internal target for certification of COMAC's 90-seat ARJ21 regional jet has been delayed again, to 2014 from the previously scheduled mid-2013, says a program official. Development therefore is now likely to last 12 years, with six years of flight testing. A key reason for the latest delay is slow progress in flight testing. Engineers also are attending to avionics bugs and modifying the landing gear, one of many issues arising from changes elsewhere in the design.

Another official working on the ARJ21 says that he knows of no formal decision to delay to 2014 but that, given the current state of development and flight tests, the aircraft cannot be certified before that year. It is quite likely to be ready in 2014, however, he adds.

While struggling to get the ARJ21 certified, COMAC is considering both updating the aircraft, whose technology is aging even before airlines begin using it, and launching another regional airliner, say industry officials. In the end, the two ideas might be merged. The idea of improving the ARJ21, most obviously with new engines, has been looked at since about the time of the first flight in 2008.

The other project is sometimes called the New Regional Aircraft. It would follow the C929 widebody airliner that COMAC proposes building once it completes development of the C919, a 158-seat narrowbody planned for certification in 2016 and intended to challenge the Airbus A320 family and the Boeing 737.

Among the ARJ21's developmental problems is one emphasized by COMAC internally: Coordination with the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has not always been smooth. CAAC officials need to attend every test flight, but bringing together the schedules of the aircraft and the personnel from different organizations has not been easy and has delayed progress.

The CAAC also has been learning to improve its performance in certification programs, and not only in relation to the objective of ensuring safety. It has picked up experience in working more smoothly with COMAC and suppliers. For example, it has not always been prompt in executing tasks such as inspecting materials and equipment, says a program official, adding that it can be expected to perform better in the future.

The growing experience of CAAC and COMAC is one reason not to think that the ARJ21's problems necessarily foreshadow similar delays in the much larger and more important C919 effort. In working on the C919, COMAC has come to understand much more about commercial aircraft design and development than its predecessor, AVIC Commercial Aircraft Co., knew during the early work on the ARJ21, the officials point out. The company knows more partly because of mistakes made in ARJ21 development.

Those errors have included a structural weakness -- the ARJ21's wing failed a strength test. One change leads to others, some at the insistence of the CAAC, such as modifications being made to the landing gear to meet revised load calculations. Sometimes the program has moved too slowly to address emerging issues, says an official.

"Some people say the CAAC is being tougher with COMAC than the FAA would have been," says that official. That should not be a surprise. The Chinese authority, renowned for its conservative approach to safety, is also unusually demanding in the standards it imposes on airframe maintenance, while its requirements for the physical condition of civil pilots are sometimes half jokingly compared with the national space program's demands on astronauts.

The CAAC and the FAA are using the ARJ21 program as an exercise through which the Chinese authority will learn the ropes of certifying a commercial jet aircraft with Western agencies. Once the process is complete, CAAC certifications will be recognized by the FAA and will therefore be widely accepted in Western markets.

Full-scale development of the ARJ21 was approved in 2002 with the objective of putting the aircraft into service in 2006 - and learning how to develop a commercial aircraft to Western standards. Managers soon realized that 2006 was too ambitious, and within weeks the target was slipped to 2007, with a first flight in 2005. When 2007 came around, the ARJ21 was due to go into service in 2009, but it did not fly until 2008, at which time the first delivery was pushed back until 2010. More delays followed. Last year, the target was September or October 2012, but early this year it was bumped to June 2013.

There may have been two bumps since then, as a fourth program official says the latest advice to CATIC, the state enterprise responsible for international sales, is that late 2013 is the target. It seems that CATIC has been told of one delay but not a second, to 2014.

As a Chinese state organization, COMAC is not in the habit of announcing program delays, as a Western manufacturer would do. It also has good reason not to be quick in letting even its suppliers know that there has been another schedule slip, says an industry official.

"If suppliers think that they have more time, they won't try so hard," says that official. ARJ21 suppliers include COMAC shareholder AVIC (which builds the airframe), General Electric (CF34-10A engines), Honeywell (flight controls), Parker Aerospace (fuel system), Rockwell Collins (avionics) and Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH (landing gear). All are waiting to book volume-production revenue from their development investment.

COMAC Chairman Jin Zhuanglong has criticized CATIC for failing to secure many -- perhaps any -- dependable orders for ARJ21s from foreign customers. CATIC's response is that COMAC, having no record as a supplier of serviceable airliners, needs to certify the ARJ21 first. Operations by the COMAC-owned first customer, Chengdu Airlines, should help, too.

Some in the industry are concerned that COMAC is losing interest in volume production of the ARJ21 and will be satisfied if it just achieves certification, supporting the C919. But the company has ordered parts for at least 13 aircraft, of which only the first four are prototypes not intended for airline service. It is therefore committed to building at least nine production aircraft.

The original ARJ21 program envisaged building 340 aircraft for sale to Chinese airlines. There were to be exports, too, but partners put much more faith in the domestic sales, which the Chinese government could force.

In assessing whether to use the ARJ21 as the basis for the New Regional Aircraft, a key issue is likely to be the size of the new model and the current airliner's body cross-section, which accepts five-abreast economy seating and therefore could be stretched to fit 150 seats in two classes. For that reason, the ARJ21 more likely would be the basis for an aircraft that would compete against the Bombardier CSeries or the Sukhoi Superjet 100 than for a model with fewer than 100 seats.

COMAC has said the cross-section, unusually wide for ARJ21's 90 single-class seats (or 78 in two classes), was chosen for passenger comfort. But the real reason is that the ARJ21 is generally based on the five-abreast McDonnell Douglas MD-82, built at the same Shanghai factory in the 1980s and 1990s. The ARJ21 is not an exact copy, however.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Slow flight testing is just a cover word, I think there is something else delaying this jet

So who is responsible for the failure of this task? Where is the bottle neck, Delays mean order cancelation not good for company so not good for economy

This must be put on high priority and issues solved, but like Lion said it is a learning curve and will help future projects but considering China experiences with Airbus they should get this issue solved they certainly have capability

But national regional jet is always country's toughest project many have tried and failed


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Chinese plane manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) will announce 50 new C919 orders from two customers on the first day of Zhuhai Airshow (Nov. 13-18), a senior official of the company revealed at the 6th China International Aviation & Aerospace Summit on Nov. 12.

Up till now, C919 has received a total of 380 orders from 15 customers, said Shi Jianzhong, Deputy General Manager of COMAC at the summit.

However, according to the latest order announced on Sep. 19, CCB Financial Leasing becomes the thirteenth customer of C919 and the total orders for C919 passenger jet amount to 330.

Shi didn't disclose the name of the two customers.


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AVIC, expected to generate profits of more than 10 billion yuan on sales of over 300 billion yuan this year, is aiming to build a high-performance jet engine by around 2020. It will draw on internal resources, funds raised from the capital market and support from the state, Lin said.

"We have made a good plan," Lin said. "We hope our manufacturing of a high-performance engine, as well as its commercial potential, would reach a relatively advanced level in the world in about 10 years."

The government is evaluating a 100 billion yuan proposal to galvanize a disjointed and under-funded engine research effort, aviation industry officials say

China's ability to develop engines for passenger aircraft could have considerable potential for technology transfer to the military, experts say.

AVIC said separately on Tuesday that it forecasts China's commercial aircraft fleet size will more than triple to 6,309 by 2031, from 1,755 aircraft at the end of 2011.

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Senior Member
How is everyone doing,

was in Shanghai, was at Comac.

1/3 of their engineers are fresh graduates from schools.

they have long way to go.

Looks like ARJ-21 can not be certified by FAA, may be CAAC would took the bait and do it. ARJ-21's fault are mostly not COMAC's. they would be better served if the program is scraped.

C919 has a long way to go. some of their people have been working 6x11s for a while now. organizationally they are still trying to figure things out. technical leadership is weak but not with out hope.

that's the most I can say.
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Senior Member
How is everyone doing,

was in Shanghai, was at Comac.

1/3 of their engineers are fresh graduates from schools.

they have long way to go.

Looks like ARJ-21 can not be certified by FAA, may be CAAC would took the bait and do it. ARJ-21's fault are mostly not COMAC's. they would be better served if the program is scraped.

C919 has a long way to go. some of their people have been working 6x11s for a while now. organizationally they are still trying to figure things out. technical leadership is weak but not with out hope.

that's the most I can say.
But the most serious thing is the crack found on AR-21J. Surely that is fault of COMAC. It caused a massive redesign and delay of it. I agree this AR-21J is crapped. The problem does not lies in large pool of fresh graduate. But COMAC too obsessed of linking their product with western influence. Thinking it will sell better and more marketable.

The biggest advantage of Chinese commercial aviation industries lies in domestic market. The plane just need to capture the domestic market will be a success. It just need to prove itself in domestic market will do.

Just like how Chinese rocket prove the doubter since the mishap in 1996. Chinese now manage to capture a significant amount of global launching. It need not go international.