When you say "jointly" developed with Safran, how jointly? Can China build the entire engine on its own? How does its MTBO compare to other engines in its class? And can that figure be taken as a proxy for indigenous Chinese turboshafts like WZ-10 and WZ-9?
I don't know the nature of the joint partnership or whether China has the ability to independently produce the engine as of right now, but I suspect the aim is to have independent production.
I also have no answer to your second question. I'm entirely unfamiliar with turboshaft industry and what constitute cutting edge maintainability parameters. Other members surely will be better able to answer that.
WZ-9 and WZ-10 are Chinese military projects. While I'm not discounting the possibility of cross-pollination, but given the timelines of their development, I doubt WZ-16's MTBO numbers can be taken as a proxy for WZ-10 and WZ-9, especially WZ-9, which is much older tech.