A more likely scenario is Myanmar is working the China angle, because it's in its current interest to do so, and once its interest changes and turning West is more advantages, then it will realign with the West. There's nothing wrong or unusual about Myanmar's motives and/or actions.
Well exactly what is Myanmar interest ? If you mean economical interest like investment and trade , China is the only game in town.
Myanmar bet that by tilting to the west, automatically the investment will flow . I think they are wrong
Most western company work on short term horizon and they are run by MBA apparatchik who insist on guarantee profit, Legal certainty and transparent business deal
All of them are in short supply in developing country like Myanmar.
Chinese investor are braver. they used to a corrupt system, Using personal connection in lieu of legal certainty. Think in long term instead of short term horizon
Another thing there are so many overseas Chinese in Myanmar that can act as middle man or interlocutor
Plus of course Chinese government has deep pocket that few in the west can match
So I am not surprise at all that Myanmar is pivoting back to China. As I say it is the only game in town