These planes must be cheap as chips for them to still be able to push them out the factory floor. The avionics and interior looks like a plane from the WW11 era. Disappointed that it is still being manufacterd.
These planes must be cheap as chips for them to still be able to push them out the factory floor. The avionics and interior looks like a plane from the WW11 era. Disappointed that it is still being manufacterd.
Maybe because the Y-8 is cheaper, thus more affordable. It is less complex, therefore easier and less costly to maintain. There are fewer bells and whistles on the Y-8, which means easier training and less things to go wrong. Finally and most importantly, maybe the Y-8 well-fits Kazakhstan's current air lift requirements and/or strategy, and should that changes, then the Y-9 and even the Y-20 would no doubt compete with alternative transports from other manufacturers.Why are they buying Y8 when Y9 is available?
they like also CN-295 have soon 8 to replaced An-12 and 26/30.Y8 is very comparable to An-12 which will be the aircraft it is replacing in Kazakhstan.
What's the white thing next to last engine, kind of fuel tank ?
What's the white thing next to last engine, kind of fuel tank ?
Could be floater for the wing to keep it sinking in the water
Anyway here is the video of the first taxi. This thing is huge. How is it compare to Howard Hughes Flying goose?
Nice and high tech cockpit
AG600 cockpit