I don't even understand the point of a YY-20A if all Y-20Bs are MRTT. Unless YY-20As are no longer being produced and it's all just Y-20Bs now.
I think YY-20As may offer a degree of extra tanking capability that Y-20B lacks, in two ways:
1. the central drogue station that YY-20As have (and which Y-20B lacks) should be able to refuel aircraft at a faster rate than the wingpod positions, by virtue of having a more potent pump AIUI. That is particularly important for refuelling larger aircraft like H-6N and KJ-500A; in fact I'm not sure if those aircraft can refuel from the wingpod positions in a feasible manner.
2. it's possible that YY-20A may have provisions to install more internal fuel tanks in the cargo hold than Y-20B does, as YY-20A is more dedicated as a tanker aircraft (albeit YY-20A is able to remove them as well and be a tanker). This is more personal speculation, and I do wonder even if YY-20A was able to have greater cargo hold fuel storage, whether it would translate to greater fuel offload than Y-20B given Y-20B has more efficient engines.
On balance, there is probably just one reasonable cause for them to continue producing YY-20As alongside Y-20B (reason 1.), if they were able to procure a YY-20B of some sort would make a lot of sense --- even if it's just the same YY-20A with WS-20 engines, or if they want to be more audacious then the concept of them giving it a boom refuelling capability can also be entertained
The YY-20As were simply produced BEFORE (or at least in parallel to) the first Y-20B rolled off the production line ... and they are just not delivered yet!
I think it's safe to assume, no Y/YY-20A is in production anymore!?
I think we will need time to verify that. If we don't see any new YY-20As at XAC in a year, then it would be a good call to say they've been ceased.