Lieutenant General
It is 2 way street without China those chip company will go bankrupt read this AMD has been loosing money for 5 or more quarter They have no choice but licensing technology
US consumption is 70% while China's is 40% but let's not forget the topic here: trade with Korea. China is a bigger market for SK. It is a fact backed by numbers as SK exports over double to China than the US. Your whole point that the US is a market for SK exports while China is not, makes no sense and is against fact. The US consumes a lot, and it also has a LOT more countries than SK to bribe with its consumption.It is not this topic realy, butdo same number crunching.
China : household consumption : 40% , goverment 14% , +5 % trade, and 41% investment
US : household consumption : 70% , goverment 14% , -4 % trade, and 20% investment
The world economy is like an electric network.
There are generators, transformers/tansmissions , and consumers.
You can analysie one sub island in the system, and it can show interesting data ( like complete power flowing thourght on a part of the system, but it consume only fraction of % ).
Everything that generated needs to be consumed like in the world ecenomy.
So, if there is no consumer then there is no generation capacity,and there is cnsumer without generating capacity. ( both state kill the generators literally, by putting asynchronus mode )
Anyway, maybeSK / China show high level of trade, but best part of it just flow throught, and has no effect of the economy. The mover of this flow is the US /UK/AU/Ca trade deficit.
Considering that there are many countries on the world that willing to run trade surplus, the consumers are the kings.
Without US the whole SK/China trade relationship fall into pieces.
Without the US, SK/China relationship falls apart?? China/SK trade just flows through without effect on the economy? Those are just statements without meaning born from your stubbornness after you've been proven wrong. I can make statements without backing too. Without China and SK purchases, US government will collapse. US economy will be in recession and technology will stagnate. See? I can do it too. LOL
I think it is a bit overcomplication of the things.How many times have we heard experts claim China can't do this or can't do that and then China does it? I would make an argument that the rise of the right in many Western countries is because they see China rising above their denials and threatens their status as the predominant power on Earth. The West fears dearly and I mean DEARLY China's Made in China 2025 initiative that calls for all strategically important technologies be developed in China. If China couldn't do this or that, why are they worried? They're worried they won't be in control of these technologies and make money off of it and China will sell it to countries they don't want to see having them.
South Korea isn't going to dump the US because it has no other choice. Without the US their status in this world drops. That's why Asians like the Cold War. If China had surrendered and became lapdogs of Western colonialism, all other Asian countries would be ignored. China was the prize. Americans never heard of Korea before the war. If China didn't fight against Western colonialism and just gave in, most Asian countries today Americans wouldn't even know existed. They would've never gotten free money and favors because the US would've never needed them in the Cold War.
Completely over your head. I said something that was obviously a parody of your idiocy, and you actually tried to argue against it like it was a serious point. I don't know if it's your English problem (don't know where you're from) or because you're stupid... or both.Actually by the experiences of the 1930s without trade deficit countries the trade surpluss ones get into long and deep recession.
So, if you cut the trade relationship between the US/China then the US will go into high GDP growth with increasing salaries and decreasing unemployment, and the inverse will be true for China ( and for SK as well)
Example in the 30s the trade surpluss US recesion was deep and long, for the UK it was short and shallow.