China's Space Program Thread II


After analyzing and experimenting with lunar samples from the Chang'e-5 mission, Chinese scientists
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to extract 51-76mg of water from one gram of lunar soil. In theory, this method can extract more than 50 kg of water from one ton of lunar soil.



But didn't someone else came back with like 500kgs of lunar soil? So.... :p


The great city of Wuxi has attracted quite a few private launch providers to call it home.

AZSpace/Ziwei has almost finished expanding its production base/headquarters in Wuxi. The facility occupies 9,145 sqm:


Meanwhile, OrienSpace has broken ground on a new production facility that will occupy some 83,000 sqm and produce 300 Force-85 engines annually:

Finally, Tianbing is making good progress on its integrated launch vehicle research and production base, which will occupy some 56,000 sqm:


According to this
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, China is actively developing a space observatory (named Earth 2.0) to hunt down exoplanets. The plan calls for launching it in 2028.

Abstract: The Earth 2.0 (ET) mission will pioneer the international breakthrough in the frontier sci- entific issue of the existence and evolution of Earth 2.0s (or exo-Earths) in the origin of life by adopting the key technology of ultra-high precision photometry with a large field of view in space. The ET mis- sion will deploy a space observatory consisting of six wide-field transit telescopes and one micro-lensing telescope in a halo orbit at the Sun-Earth Lagrange L2 point. Combining transit and micro-lensing meth- ods, utilizing the ultra-large field of view and ultra-high precision optical photometry observations in space, the ET mission will for the first time discover historically significant Earth 2.0s and determine their occurrence rate. It will conduct the first large-scale survey of terrestrial-like and free-floating plan- ets, discover free-floating Earth-mass planets and measure their occurrence rates, reveal the origins of Earth-like and free-floating planets, and provide candidates and new directions for the search for ex- traterrestrial life. The observational results, statistical studies, and theoretical tests of the ET mission will answer pressing frontier scientific questions such as “How common are Earth-like planets in the uni- verse”, “How do Earth-like planets form and evolve” and “How do free-floating planets originate”. Fol- low-up observations of the Earth 2.0 samples discovered by the ET mission will precisely measure their mass, density, and atmospheric composition, contributing to an in-depth study of their habitability char- acteristics. Moreover, the study of the large number of various exoplanet samples newly discovered by ET, as well as tests of theories, will promote a deeper understanding of the formation and evolution of these types of planets. ET’s abundant high-precision, high-cadence, and long-baseline photometric data will advance research in fields such as asteroseismology, Galactic archaeology, time-domain astronomy, binary stars, and binary black holes.




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Jilin-1 宽幅 02B 01-06 has now been delivered for launching I guess.

This is the first small batch of ultra wide band, high resolution optical remote sensing satellite.
宽幅 02B can provide customers with 150 km wide and 0.5m discrimination satellite imaging.


Some updates on Hainan Commercial Spaceport.

An official confirmation that the first rocket to be launched from launchpad no. 1 will be Long March 8 Y5; the first rocket to be launched from launchpad no. 2 will the maiden flight of Long March 12. No surprises here.

Some images of the Long March 8 assembly building at the Hainan Commercial Spaceport: