China's Space Program Thread II


Registered Member
Another US propaganda department's shell company headed by a former US military personel Tim Solms

Any such capability of tracking of small debris would need large space and ground assets that only a national agency has such as NORAD which is part of US military. It would sound more "credible" if such "information" is spread by "open source", "NGO" and "concerned citizens" instead of US military. This company only got "infor" from NORAD and acted as a mounth-piece. Doe NORAD actually have anything real? Is it going to get in a fight with China who will return in showing American's debrises? For me, these so-called "expert" and "scienctists" are on the same leve as CNN "reporters" having credibility deficits.

It is same game repeating all over again, and I am sure it will continue.
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It is most likely due to passivation but not necessarily an issue as in breakup or explosion.

If there is tens of tonnes fuel (kerosene in CZ-6A) to be ejected out of the tank, it will form many liquid blobs and soon frozen to solid. They won't disappear easily and will keep flying in their own orbits. One can call these debris if it suits their agenda, but this would be common for all kerosene or hypergolic 2nd stages.


G60 satellites after separating from the launch vehicle.
