China's Space Program Thread II


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Civilian Yaogan satellites can relay forest fire info to first responders within 15 seconds.

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little more on this



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really good article here again


talks about how remote sensing could track somalian pirate ships, but takes too long to transmit data to China (4 to 8 hours wait for earth rotation). So building communication, navigation & remote sensing is needed to do this faster


Using AI & processing on remote sensing satellites, data can be transmitted to mobile end point in 1 to 5 minutes



Here is the kicker, this 东方慧眼 remote sensing constellation will launch 252 satellites by 2030. Providing a full web of tracking, targeting and indentifying


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talks about how remote sensing could track somalian pirate ships, but takes too long to transmit data to China (4 to 8 hours wait for earth rotation). So building communication, navigation & remote sensing is needed to do this faster
They almost certainly are using the
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geostationary relay satellites (similar to NRO/USAF's
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) to relay information from low-orbit satellites (Yaogan) or satellites located on the other side of the world back to ground stations in China.

It's arguably an interesting question whether the government would consider using commercial relay satellites instead of just the CASC/CAST ones, though. US Gov seems to be going the commercial route awarding large contracts for new relay satellites, since they have a lot more commercial imaging providers (Maxar, Blacksky, Planet Labs etc) these days that require that additional support.


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A few years ago the Commercial Alliance was formed. But nothing more is heard of its activities. Does it still exist, what does it do, or is it still on paper? (https_://


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They almost certainly are using the
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geostationary relay satellites (similar to NRO/USAF's
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) to relay information from low-orbit satellites (Yaogan) or satellites located on the other side of the world back to ground stations in China.

It's arguably an interesting question whether the government would consider using commercial relay satellites instead of just the CASC/CAST ones, though. US Gov seems to be going the commercial route awarding large contracts for new relay satellites, since they have a lot more commercial imaging providers (Maxar, Blacksky, Planet Labs etc) these days that require that additional support.
I guess by "commercial" you mean non-SOE entities? It is a meaningless question before there is any "commericial" options to begin with. For the moment and a long time to come there is no "commercial" entity in China that has or will have the competence to make such satellites. BTW, many of the state entities making sattelites are not part of CASC/(who is CAST?), especialy the observatory and communication sat.

Once again as I have been saying about space industry on rocket, using US as a reference to deduce what China may do is far off. US never had real SOE to begin with. What USG did now is NOT much different from many decades ago, the only change is that in the past private companies made things on the government order/contract, today private companies make things more on their own initiativies, the government then buy them as off-shelf. The competence is always in the hands of private companies in US.

In China's case, you can replace "private" with SOE, then you get the perfect picture. If nothing essential changed in US, why do you think there is a need to change? For example, Jilin satellite constellation is developed by Changchun Institute of Optic and Mechanics, part of CAS, but it operates the service as a company. Is this company "commercial"? If so, then the Chinese government is already using "commercial" products. The new constalletion now is also a product of SOE (Wuhan university and Yantai city government), but they call themselves "commercial".

So I advise everyone here to drop the distinction of SOE and "commercial company", it isn't a meaningful distinction in China's space market, everyone is company.
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It is good to have multiple suppliers/backup constellations, but for the record, in-orbit identification and downlink communication has been done by Jilin-1 in early 2019, then followed by 2nd gen "GPU based AI" sat half year later.

The early 2019 test was in-orbit detection and identification of moving ship off Japan in 3 minutes.


More on the failure of i-Space (a.k.a Space Honor, Interstellar Glory, StarCraft Glory, Interstellar Glory Space Technology, Interplanetary Glory, Interplanetary Glory Space Technology, etc., etc., etc.) Hyperbola-1 launch failure. The fault has been traced to the 4th and final stage, which encountered an anomaly during launch.

Like I said before, this company needs to spend less time coming up with stupid names for itself and more time on quality control. The company has accumulated almost as many launch failures as it has names.
