How were they able to 'monitor and be ready to respond if necessary'? With eyes and sugar cane?
Triple SAM launch for 210% interception rate.How were they able to 'monitor and be ready to respond if necessary'? With eyes and sugar cane?
DRO-A/B satellites launch Failed. Flight was normal, but the upper stage flight was abnormal and the satellite did not accurately enter the intended orbit.
So the launch was real.新华社西昌3月14日电 3月13日20时51分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心使用长征二号丙运载火箭/远征一号S上面级发射DRO-A/B卫星,运载火箭一二级飞行正常,上面级飞行异常,卫星未准确进入预定轨道,目前正在开展相关处置工作。
针对地月空间远距离逆行轨道(Distant Retrograde Orbit,DRO)卫星编队相对导航的需求,提出一种同波束差分相对导航方法。在地月空间中,2颗DRO卫星(DRO-A,B)所构成的编队可被1颗近地球轨道(Low Earth Orbit,LEO)卫星DRO-L发出的测量波束所覆盖,从而与该LEO卫星同时建立2条观测链路。由这2条测量链路得到的差分测量数据与地月三体轨道动力学模型相结合,即可实现DRO卫星编队相对导航。
Yeah, wrong on both.Btw: There was no CZ series rocket launch reported in March 13. And I also doubt they're capable of monitoring Xichang's satellite launch.
GalaxySpace has unveiled its next generation (3rd gen) LEO broadband communication satellite. It will feature a large phased array antenna and support direct connection to mobile phones. Apparently, the phased array antenna and solar panels are integrated as one piece to reduce weight and save space.
So the launch was real.
Unfortunately the upper stage malfunctioned. It's a project related to the Earth-Moon orbit navigation system, so it's not good news for the lunar exploration program.
BTW: This is an independent experimental system for the future lunar exploration. It has nothing to do with the upcoming Chang'e-6 mission, which will be relayed by the upcoming Queqiao-2 satellite.
The National Space Administration has officially confirmed that Chang'e-6 lunar exploration mission will launch in 2024. A spacecraft will land in the South Pole-Aitken Basin and collect samples. In preparation for the mission, the Magpie-2 relay communication satellite will be launched in the 1st half of 2024.