China's Space Program Thread II


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Russia and China should try to get Brazil in. Brazil has had a space program for decades, they have an ideal position for space launches being close to the equator, with an eastern aligned coast. But their launcher technology is pretty dismal.


Another day, another launch. A Long March 6 successfully launched the Shiyan-25 (试验二十五) into orbit. The remote sensing satellite will be used for land surveying, disaster mitigation, and urban planning. This was the 477th launch of the Long March series and the 11th launch of Long March 6 rocket.




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for piggybacking payloads on six upcoming Long March 6C launches. Starting price is RMB 80,000 per kilogram.

Shanghai Securities News China Securities Network (Reporter Han Yuanfei) In order to allow more demand parties to fairly, openly and fully enjoy and use valuable space launch resources and create greater resource value, under the authorization of China Great Wall Industry Group Co., Ltd., which belongs to China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., space renewable capital The source trading zone officially released the bidding project of the launch opportunity of the Long March 6C carrier rocket in 2023-2024. In the form of online public bidding, we sincerely invite global investors to come and trade.

According to reports, the starting price of the Long March 6 C carrier rocket launch opportunity is 8,0000.00 yuan/kg, and the registration deadline is 15:00 on July 13, 2023. All legal persons and other organizations with full capacity for civil conduct can participate in the bidding. Participating bidders are required to submit business licenses, credit certificates and preliminary demand plans. Units that have not uploaded relevant materials and have bad credit records do not have the right to participate. Bidders should register with their real names in the aerospace renewable resources trading area before bidding, and register and pay the deposit according to the platform system prompts.

This bidding sale is sold by bidding in the form of price increase. There is a reserved reserve price, that is, the set transaction reserve price of the bidder. The bidder is free to quote, and the highest quotation and exceeds the reserved reserve price will get the coordination opportunity of the subject matter; the subsequent launch supplier and the bidder complete the specific details communication, in line with the superior competent authority. On the basis of management regulations, meeting the relevant requirements such as technical feasibility, the subject matter shall be obtained by signing a commercial launch service contract, and the parties shall deliver the payment on time in accordance with the implementation plan agreed in the contract.

According to reports, in April 2023, the Great Wall Company fully released the launch opportunity of the 2023-2024 carrier rocket carrying and "shared rocket". This release includes a total of 9 missions. The launch window is from August 2023 to the third to fourth quarter of 2024. The launch type includes two methods: carrying and "shared rockets".

The so-called "shared rocket" launch means that a carrier rocket provides launch services for multiple satellites in the form of "carpooling". Compared with the previous missions that provided launch services in the form of "on-on-board", the "shared rocket" launch mode is a commercial launch model that subverts the traditional launch mission organization under the guidance of the development of the small satellite market. First determine the carrier rocket model and preliminary launch plan, and then recruit satellite passengers in the market. It is a commercial launch mode that is more in line with the needs of small satellite launch, which has the characteristics of low launch cost and good mission adaptability.




Registered Member
I'm not sure if this was reported here yet or not, but - supposedly - several countries have signed onto the Chinese lunar base plan. Russia, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates and the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, which seems to include Peru, Turkey, Mongolia, Thailand, Iran, and Bangladesh. Malaysia and Venezuela have also expressed interest.

Interestingly, the UAE had signed the Artemis Accords with the US as well. The article mentions more than one signatory of both but I seem to be missing who the others are.

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Quote from the article
“However, as we have seen with the UAE, it fell foul of ITAR regulations when developing its contribution to the ILRS, meaning that members of both the ILRS and Artemis need to walk a fine line between the streams of both initiatives.”

I think you got the idea of "more than one" because the article used plural of member. Openly and officially only UAE (among Artimis countries) has joined ILRS. Any more potential members from Artimis must be under negotiation behind closed doors. I think the texts of the article should be loosely interpreted.

Russian sources have suggested Saudi Arabia and BRICS (almost certainly means Brazil) are in discussion.

Lastly and importantly, I would caution by reading articles by Andrew Jones due to past experience of his articles. This time, the article stated that UAE has withdrawn from Chang'e-7 project due to ITAR ban of US component. The source of that withdrawn is another article by himself in which the original source is this SCMP article
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. The article is behind paywall, but the headline says "US tech rules bar UAE moon rover from China’s Chang’e 7 mission: sources". This is different from UAE withdrawing. Unless UAE says so or we don't see UAE rover onbord Chang'e 7 in 2026, nothing is known. Seriously, China is the only country in the past decades that successfully put rovers on the moon alive. China can easily replace any American components for UAE, or outright build a rover for UAE if both sides want.


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Another day, another launch. A Long March 6 successfully launched the Shiyan-25 (试验二十五) into orbit. The remote sensing satellite will be used for land surveying, disaster mitigation, and urban planning. This was the 477th launch of the Long March series and the 11th launch of Long March 6 rocket.




I just can't take my eyes off those tiny wheels.
I mean…adorkable~


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What is known about the construction of the spaceport in Xiangshan сounty? There was news about it about two years ago, but I haven't heard anything else.