The new capsule is too heavy for CZ-2F but not CZ-7. CZ-7's LEO capacity is 13.5t according to wiki but actually higher than 14t. CZ-7 was aimed for the new capsule from the begining.That is because they plan to switch from Shenzhou to the new capsule.
Shenzhou has 8100 kg mass and the new capsule has 14000 kg mass. It is almost twice as heavy.
That makes the new capsule too heavy for something like CZ-2F or CZ-7.
Here is the 2014 paper in which CZ-7 was planned for the new capsule. Also it can be seen that CZ-5 was for the deep space version, but it was for LEO rendezvous before departing to moon. After moon orbit rendezvous was determined, CZ-5 option is replaced by CZ-10, and because CZ-10 two stage is abled to do LEO, there is no point to have CZ-7, therefor it is also dropped.

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