The private launch company
has successfully completed the first round of reliability assessments of its 70-ton reusable LY-70 LOX/Methane engine. The engine has accumulated more than 116 minutes of hot test runs (with single longest test run having exceeded 61 minutes) and demonstrated variable thrust range of 32% to 106% (215kN to 720kN).
Some design specifications of LY-70 are as follows:
- Ground thrust: 686.5kN
- Vacuum thrust: 770.2kN
- Ground specific impulse: 291.2s
- Vacuum specific impulse: 350s
- Engine mass: no greater than 880kg
- Maximum swing angle: ±8°
- Adjustable thrust range: 30% to 110%
- Single-mission engine restarts: ≥3 times
- Reusability: ≥30 times