China's Space Program Thread II


Some nice screen captures from the latest EVA.





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Laser scan from Daqi-1 AEMS (Atmospheric Environment Monitoring Satellite)

From the Youtube summary:
** Correction 2023-02-06 ! *** According to Dr. Martino, Anthony J., a NASA scientist working on ICESat-2 ATLAS, it is not by their instrument but by others. His colleagues, Dr. Alvaro Ivanoff et al., did a simulation of the trajectory of satellites that have a similar instrument and found a most likely candidate as the ACDL instrument by the Chinese Daqi-1/AEMS satellite. We really appreciate their efforts in the identification of the light. We are sorry about our confusion related to this event and its potential impact on the ICESat-2 team.

Washington is going to have another massive panic attack if Americans start reporting laser beams shooting down from the sky from these weather satellites.


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Does China provide us with the numbers for how much is the Chinese space budget? I would want to anylizd how it changed for the last decade.
I recall a Chinese report at the time of the first manned Shenzhou launch mentioning that China's total cumulative spending on manned space flight up to that point was less than 1 billion dollars.

Of course, the Chinese space program has massively expanded since then, and project costs must have also gone up a lot too with the rapid economic development and increase in wages seen across China in the last 20 years. But still, I'm sure the current annual Chinese space budget is still well under NASA's annual budget ($25B for fiscal year 2023).