Escobar, does it mean Google Earth would provide better imagery to the public than Chinasat-2A (for Chinese govt) ?
I suppose you mean ZY-1-02C and ZY-1-03C.
Yes. They are china's first high-resolution civil sat.
ZY-1-2C a high-resolution remote-sensing satellite:
2 HR cameras: spatial resolution: 2.36m Joint swath: 54 km
Panchromatic multispectral camera: resolution 5m and 10 m, swath 60 km
mass: 2100 kg
lifetime: 3 years
ZY-3 civil high-resolution stereoscopic mapping satellite:
Usage: To satisfy the needs for constructing a database for production of 1:50000 and larger scale maps and provide data for resource mapping, environmental surveying, disaster monitoring, city planning and national security needs.
Platform: Modified ZY-2 satellite platform
1 TDI-CCD nadir-viewing camera with resolution better than 2.5 meters
2 TDI-CCD front/rear-viewing cameras with resolution better than 4 meters
1 multi-spectral front-viewing camera with resolution better than 10 meters
The satellite can cover all areas of the Earth between 84 deg. North and 84 deg. South, with the re-visiting period at 59 days. In special cases, the satellite can re-visit the same area in 5 days.
Orbit: 505.984 km circular orbit, inclination 97.421 degrees, local time at descending node 10:30
Mass: ~2630 kg
Operation life: 4-5 years
2.5m res. high-resolution camera (x1) (sweep area width 52 km)
4m res. medium-resolution cameras (x2) (sweep area width 51 km)
10m res. multi-spectral camera (x1) (sweep area width 52 km)
Data transfer:
Compression ratio: 4:1/2:1 for pan-chromatic images and loss-less compression for multi-spectral images
Number of data transfer channels: 2