Oh, I did see in many CGs that Wentian has its own smaller arm:

Looks like the big arm on Tianhe and the little arm on Wentian can actually be joined together to form one super long arm if required. That's amazing.
Oh, I did see in many CGs that Wentian has its own smaller arm:
That has been a running joke. The propaganda department is likely the worst unit in CCP. Sometimes its staff are like 猪队友。I hate Chinese headlines. This is why China doesn't have a clue how to deal with the US. Why should China care what the US thinks? China is giving the US the power. It only confirms what the US thinks that this is only for prestige only to say China did it. I read anti-China comments that ask why is China even doing it because they're not into furthering science? When I see Americans upset at nothing except only at what a racist sees, it says China is doing something right. The headline should say, "Why are Americans upset at the furthering of human exploration into space?" or "Why do Americans think they own the universe?" Instead we get the immaturity of the Chinese media. There's a reason why the West despises the Global Times because a lot of times it hits it right on the mark what the West is angling and the West doesn't like their bull being exposed.
That has been a running joke. The propaganda department is likely the worst unit in CCP. Sometimes its staff are like 猪队友。
The related segment from CCTV footage (7.5 min):YF-130F real engine assembled.
CCTV-2 program "大国重器 第三季 澎湃动力 1" May 17th. I can't post a link as it is live streaming with replay function, but no link to the program.
According to the narrator the thrust is more than 5 times of 120t. That is 500t.
According to an Engineer, the total thrust of CZ-9 is 6000t. Since the total number of YF-130F is 12, that gives 500t each.
So the thrust at the moment is 500t.
Another engineer says that the LEO payload of CZ-9 is 150t. This is the first time for me to see another figure (than 140t in ppt) from an official source. Let's see what would be the final figure.
The throttle ratio is 65% to 110%.
It also said single combustion nozzle has been hot tested in the full working range. It is said that the combustion was stable across the full load range. I don't know how complete this is. It is ignited in the test, it is also full working condition, but the word was nozzle instead of chamber.
It seems that the engine is ready for a full test on the stand. It is very promising as the combustion stability seems not to be an trouble.
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