The core module #Tianhe from the Chinese space station #CSS with his robotic arm deployed, photographed by Philippe Smith on May 6 from New York.
Then some netizen posted this question to Henri Kehnmann's tweet on Tianhe:
"Like all the Chinese media, you never mentioned the loss of control over the vector of this mission which will make its atmospheric re-entry. Maybe to avoid problems with the Chinese authorities who censor anything in the way.
Henri's reply:
"The media hysteria reminds me of the story of the return of Tiangong-1 in 2018. And we know the end.
The reentry of any rocket body whatsoever is rarely controlled (the stages no longer have propellants to do anything after neutralization), but often calculated.
The same netizen again:
"Regarding the media hysteria I agree with you, an opportunity to do "China bashing".
Still, you could have said a word about this incident which is not trivial since the other space powers have good control over the fallout of their space objects."
Henri's reply:
"They don't handle it better, it's just that the media doesn't talk about it. Nuance."
Then some Other netizen posted a screenshot like below:
A screenshot of the MSM coverage upon the uncontrolled rocket re-entries - note the differences!
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