China's Space Program News Thread

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Junior Member
Still waiting for someone to tell me the military value of the respective Russian and American moon programs. Some things are just pure science. You have to accept that.

You mean like the Chinese Chang'e 1 and Chang'e 2 moon probe program?

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Let me guess, Chinese are trying to take over the moon right?
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Banned Idiot
What a total copout answer. China's manned program is now where the US and Soviet manned programs were in the early 60's. American and Russian manned space technology is now mature, and so it's quite easy for you to say they are no longer doing it. They don't have to because they already have it. China is still yet developing this technology as it goes. It's not even at the Apollo Program stage of the American manned program. It's rather disgusting that you still refuse to acknowledge the motivations of the Americans and Soviets when they embarked on their manned programs, but still want to act all ridiculously sinister about China's manned program. But then again, that's just who you are. Nothing new here.

If there was a military direction to the early program, it can easily be explained by the Cold War and the competition between the Russians and Americans. As far as I know the Cold War is over. Today the respective space programs are separated into a civilian and military side. And with the advent of private space you have a new exciting player in the conquest of space.

Actually whatever direction China decides to take it is none of my business. China has its hands full already just trying to keep its head above water in the exploration of near and planetary space and has many years ahead of its programs trying to stay competitive with other emerging space faring nations
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Hope so, they would save a lot of money by docking that with TG-2, but I have a feeling that when TG-2 come along, TG-1 will be obsolete. Also we have no idea of the durability of TG-1's docking port, I hope it won't suffer metal fatigue or leakage from docking too often.

Not for the PLA GAD. There are reconnaissance payloads on TG-1 (an infrared telescope and an optical telescope). I think GAD is also using TG-1 as SAR/optical payload testbed for next IMINT sat.


Banned Idiot
@stardave: Well it appears that the Chinese moon program is mainly interested in exploiting minerals from the moon. Good luck with that.


[/COLOR]@stardave: Still waiting for someone to tell me the military value of the respective Russian and American moon programs. Some things are just pure science. You have to accept that.

By pushing the technological frontiers, you explore new technologies that have dual purposes, that will end up in civilian and military applications. It's something so obvious, that one would expect an American to accept.


Junior Member
@stardave: Well it appears that the Chinese moon program is mainly interested in exploiting minerals from the moon. Good luck with that.

AHH of course, when Chinese explores the moon, they must try to extract resource from it, but when US does it, it is all for peaceful innocent science purposes. Even if you have absolutely no source to back up your claim whatsoever.


Banned Idiot
AHH of course, when Chinese explores the moon, they must try to extract resource from it, but when US does it, it is all for peaceful innocent science purposes. Even if you have absolutely no source to back up your claim whatsoever.

The source you gave mentioned mineral exploitation as the main reason for China to explore the moon. I am merely quoting from them. Didn't you read your own source?

Here is the quote:

Ouyang Ziyuan, a prominent Chinese geologist and cosmochemist, was among the first to advocate the exploitation not only of known lunar reserves of metals such as iron, but also of lunar helium-3, an ideal fuel for future nuclear fusion power plants. Ziyuan, one of the strongest supporters of the Chinese human lunar exploration program, is currently serving as the chief scientist of the program.
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@stardave: Well it appears that the Chinese moon program is mainly interested in exploiting minerals from the moon. Good luck with that.

There are officially no Chinese manned moon program. The only moon project is chang'e.
Are you saying that china has plan to use those sat, rover and lander for exploiting minerals from the moon??
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Junior Member
The source you gave mentioned mineral exploitation as the main reason for China to explore the moon. I am merely quoting from them. Didn't you read your own source?

I did, and I assume this is what you are talking about.

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"In late 2008, Chen Qiufa, the Deputy Minister of the MIIT and head of SASTIND, indicated that the Chang’e 3 Lunar Rover would launch in late 2011 on a Long March 3B rocket. The rover will conduct studies of the Moon’s geology, topography, and mineral and chemical composition.[13]"

"Ouyang Ziyuan, a prominent Chinese geologist and cosmochemist, was among the first to advocate the exploitation not only of known lunar reserves of metals such as iron, but also of lunar helium-3"

So I mean of course, when one goes to the moon, they must never, ever analyze the moon's surface, otherwise, they must have alternative purposes of exploitation. Or one must never ever speak of mineral resources on the moon, because that person alone speaks for all of China.

You mean like how NASA did the same thing to the moon when they were up there and even brought back samples from it to further analyze on earth, I guess that must be different, I guess that must be purely peaceful scientific means. But when one of the Chinese citizen out of 1.3 billions people speaks of it, it must be true.

How dare the damn Chinese analyze the surface content of the moon, or how dare Chinese people express their private opinion that moon can be harvested. The only conclusion is that they are trying to harvest it, nothing else.

Please do not read this link.
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Banned Idiot
If there was a military direction to the early program, it can easily be explained by the Cold War and the competition between the Russians and Americans. As far as I know the Cold War is over. Today the respective space programs are separated into a civilian and military side. And with the advent of private space you have a new exciting player in the conquest of space.

Actually whatever direction China decides to take it is none of my business. China has its hands full already just trying to keep its head above water in the exploration of near and planetary space and has many years ahead of its programs trying to stay competitive with other emerging space faring nations
OMG are you serious? Well I guess "if there ever was" is as close an admission as you'll ever get. It's still pathetic though.

So now that the US and the Russians are sitting on this nice space technology built during the Cold War but not needed because currently everybody loves each other and want to do space group hugs, China shouldn't have to want to acquire this technology. This is basically what you're saying. Well I think that's pretty pathetic too. You remind me of Rumsfeld asking why why why is China modernizing its armed forces. It has no external threats, so it's got no reason to beef up. It should stay a paper tiger so's we can beat the living shred out of it if we ever have to. Oh wait, he didn't say that exactly.
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