The source you gave mentioned mineral exploitation as the main reason for China to explore the moon. I am merely quoting from them. Didn't you read your own source?
I did, and I assume this is what you are talking about.
"In late 2008, Chen Qiufa, the Deputy Minister of the MIIT and head of SASTIND, indicated that the Chang’e 3 Lunar Rover would launch in late 2011 on a Long March 3B rocket. The rover will conduct studies of the Moon’s geology, topography, and mineral and chemical composition.[13]"
"Ouyang Ziyuan, a prominent Chinese geologist and cosmochemist, was among the first to advocate the exploitation not only of known lunar reserves of metals such as iron, but also of lunar helium-3"
So I mean of course, when one goes to the moon, they must never, ever analyze the moon's surface, otherwise, they must have alternative purposes of exploitation. Or one must never ever speak of mineral resources on the moon, because that person alone speaks for all of China.
You mean like how NASA did the same thing to the moon when they were up there and even brought back samples from it to further analyze on earth, I guess that must be different, I guess that must be purely peaceful scientific means. But when one of the Chinese citizen out of 1.3 billions people speaks of it, it must be true.
How dare the damn Chinese analyze the surface content of the moon, or how dare Chinese people express their private opinion that moon can be harvested. The only conclusion is that they are trying to harvest it, nothing else.
Please do not read this link.