China's Space Program News Thread

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Chang'e 6, 7, and 8 missions will be launched by 2028 to probe the Moon's south pole. The building of the Sino-Russian lunar science station by 2035:

Tianwen-2 probe will be launched in 2025 for a sample return mission to astroid 469219 Kamoʻoalewa. Mars sample return mission to be launched by 2028:

The new configuration of the Long March 9 rocket has 26 200-ton LOX/Methane engines for first stage. The diameter of the core stage has been increased to 11m, and the diameter of the fairing has been increased to 10m:

The development of a two-stage fully reusable LOX/Methane rocket is to be completed by 2035:

If I'm reading this correctly, the '921' crewed lunar rocket (CZ-5DY) is to use a combination of parachute and grid fins for recovery; correct me if I'm wrong. Also, the spaceplane launched on July 16th of 2021 is officially designated as AT-1B:
Also says CZ-5DY will use the chopstick vertical recovery method.
I recall the test gantry for that, it was like the Starship thing but with more wire cables wasn't it?


Tianwen-2 probe will be launched in 2025 for a sample return mission to astroid 469219 Kamoʻoalewa. Mars sample return mission to be launched by 2028:

A correction: The Tianwen-2 probe to 469219 Kamoʻoalewa will be launched before 2025, not in 2025.

Also, this latest slide conflicts with an earlier presentation on a sample return mission to 469219 Kamoʻoalewa (see illustration at the bottom). In that earlier presentation, the probe was named Zheng He instead of Tianwen-2. Also, the mission was much more complicated and had two parts: first a sample return mission from 469219 Kamoʻoalewa and then a remote observation mission of another astroid named
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, all done by the same probe, with the two-part mission lasting almost a decade. The full summary of the earlier presentation is as follows:
The Zheng He probe is scheduled to launch in 2024. It will collect samples from an astroid as well as performing remote observation of another. The probe will land on astroid
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and extract samples in 2025. It will then carry the samples back to Earth orbit in 2026 and drop it off by jettisoning the sample returner. The probe – now free of the samples – will fly away to astroid
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to perform remote observation, which will take place sometime in 2032.

Interestingly, the probe features both touch-and-go and anchor-and-attach architectures to maximize the chances of a successful landing. Also interesting is the implementation of the anchor-and-attach method. Instead of using a single anchor/drill, the probe features four landing legs, with each leg having its own drill.

Of course, this latest slide may have omitted mentioning the second part of the mission for whatever reason, but my gut tells me that Zheng He may have been deemed too ambitious or risky and thus had been scaled back and re-worked to become Tianwen-2. Now I wonder if the remote observation of 311P/PanSTARRS is still planned and whether a separate probe will be sent for that endeavor.

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Just Hatched
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The development of a two-stage fully reusable LOX/Methane rocket is to be completed by 2035:
Does it mean that the new LOX/Methane rocket will mostly be used for SSO launches? If so, why is methane rocket best for SSO launches?


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Fresh photos: Spectacular views of Earth from China's space station

China released fresh photos taken from the country's space station on Friday, offering spectacular views of our planet on the 53rd annual Earth Day.
The stunning photos were captured by the Shenzhou-13 taikonauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, who completed their six-month mission in orbit and
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on April 16.


The view of Earth from China's space station. /Shenzhou-13 crew members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu


The eye of a typhoon over Madagascar seen from China's space station. /Shenzhou-13 crew members Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu


Mountains on Earth seen from China's space station. /Shenzhou-13 crew Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu


Hotan City in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region seen from China's space station. /Shenzhou-13 crew Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu


A solar panel of China's space station points at the landscape of China on Earth. /Shenzhou-13 crew Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu


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China is building a near-Earth asteroid defense system and will test it in about 4 years from now. If I am understanding what the deputy director said correctly, the monitoring and early warning components of the system are being built.

"Deputy director of China's national space admin, Wu Yanhua, told the CCTV reporter that China is building a near-Earth asteriod defnese system as a response to the threat of near-Earth asteroids."

"The first step is to complete the land- and space-based monitoring and early warning system. The monitoring system will have a database for the asteroids, in particular those considered critically threatening. Meanwhile, research and study will start for defense technologies."

"The next step is to create the asteroid defense system and develop defense strategies. It will begin with simulation on computers to practice and verify the process (of defense)."

"The final step is to actually test the system on a "threatening" asteroid in 2025 or 2025, i.e. at the end of the 14th 5-year plan. In the test, a spacecraft will be sent to the selected asteroid to observe it in close distance, then strike it to change its course."


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