This was indeed what I meant, thanks for your reply.
By the way, I found something very interesting about the space station and I don't think this has been discussed before. In the following video at 9:00 they talk about a 'penguin suit':
The astronauts can wear this suit with bands inside of it that creates resistance when the astronauts are moving. This way they can train their body without using a bike or treadmill. I believe they only have one of this suit, so only one astronaut can wear it at a time. For now they intend to use it as an addition to the bike and treadmill. Perhaps it could even replace the mandatory time on the bike or treadmill in the future by having all astronauts wear them during daily work and this way preventing muscle loss. I am not sure of this is possible and what the limitations are, but it is still an interesting concept for sure. I don't believe there is anything like this on the ISS.