China's Space Program News Thread

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The origin of the article:
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In a interview, the commander of Chinese astronauts CHEN Shan Kwong said that :

* Training for the manual docking was launched in June 2009.
* The astronauts have two handles joystick to maneuver the docking.
* Each astronaut have conducted more than 1000 simulated manual docking in the simulation module of Shenzhou (scale 1:1)and also in the simulation module TQ-1, in normal mode and emergency mode.
* The most foods in TQ-1 are experimental so some are not edible directly, the "true food" will be brought by Shenzhou-9.
* Live butterflies will be taken to space in this mission.



A mini-documentary where we learn some interesting details:

*In the simulation module of TQ-1 at 1:1 scale, there is a rest area where astronauts can sleep, rest or play music.

*TQ-1 was designed from the start to fit the special needs of women astronauts, which means that the choice of having an woman astronaut on one of the following missions (Shenzhou-8, 9 and 10) was defined at the beginning and not a recent decision

*We see how the astronauts' food is produced and its variety

*There is a small passage that shows how the astronauts of Shenzhou-6 eat inside the vessel

*The astronauts can send pictures and emails in real time through satellite data-link TL-1-01 and TL-1-02 (A third satellite of the same type, TL-1-03, will be launched in July this years)

*At the end there is a small 3D animation to show the lives of astronauts in TQ-1



Lieutenant General

First, a hilariously biased article:
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Here's a more objective look at the issue:
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In one the article is said the female Taikonaut is accommodated with a female bathroom and bedroom utilities. That's nice of them to do that for her.

Here's a reading on a typical space latrine and how astronauts clean themselves.

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Several videos broadcast by CCTV

Introduction of the astronauts's core team :
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Introduction of astronaut Wang LIU :
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Introduction of astronaut Yang LIU :
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Interview with Commander Jing Haipeng :
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Interview with Wang Liu astronaut :
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Interview with astronaut Yang LIU :
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The monitoring center in Xi'an is ready to guide Shenzhou-9 :
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3D animation of the mission (particularly interesting) :
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YuanWang 3,5 and 6 tracking ships are also making final preparations :
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Press Conference with three astronauts :
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It was decided that Wang Liu will perform the manual docking :
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The filling of the rocket propellant is underway and will last 8 hours. the total weight of injected propellants amounts to around 453 tons, while the rocket itself weighs only 50 tons :
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TQ-1 performed a rotation of 180 °, it now flies in "reverse" :
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Introduction of a Chinese spacesuit (Not for EVA) :
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Shenzhou 1 to Shenzhou-9, a long history of 20 years :
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Simulation of the Shenzhou-9 capsule recovery.















According to the chief engineer of the CZ-2F rocket, Mu Jing-chun, the rocket that will launch Shenzhou-9 is part a production's series of 5 rockets including 2 reserved for the launch of TQ-1 (one is used as a reserve) and 3 for the launch of the Shenzhou-8, 9 and 10.

Despite the fact that it is the same production's series , thirty improvements have been made to this rocket based on data collected in the launch of TQ-1 and Shenzhou-8. These improvements concern both on the equipment on ground and the rocket. A part also covers engines to further increase reliability.



As the launch date approaches, security measures has been reinforced at the site. pass at high alert and led an anti-terror drill yesterday. They have already prevented several waves of vehicles that tried to approach the perimeter of the side JSLC desert, detected by the infrared sensor systems. the military went to maximum alert level and led an anti-terror drill yesterday. They have already prevented several waves of vehicles detected by the infrared sensor systems, that tried to approach the perimeter from the desert side.



The guards of buildings on the site also activate the facial recognition system that identifies the identity of personnel operating on site.



New Member

There has been a healthy science fiction literature and movie making industry for decades that has fueled the dreams of millions of Americans and caused them to catch the space bug for decades. I was not aware that China had a similar movement.

You know a century ago, it was the British at the height of their empire who wrote all the classic science fiction literature; here we are a century later, never in their wildest dreams would it occur to them that the people doing the things they wrote about were going to be Americans or Russians and not British.
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