Good day bro, nice to have somebody that is interest in my country, About the Ayala influence you had no idea how they operate. They are the one who profited the most alongside the Prietos and Lopez family after the EDSA Revolution by associating themselves with Cory Aquino which all of them are part of the oligarchy. They make their money by grabbing gov't land and are rent seekers. The way Ayala operate is to buy out media personality (Christian Esguerra is an example) to harp on its Corporate Social Responsibility which in truth is a lot of hogwash. An example is Manila Water a water utility company which they owned , they charge us a STP Fee (sewage treatment plant) from 1999 up to present without even constructing one, only to be expose by Duterte, so they aren't clean as they claim to be. In this coming election they will again spend a huge amount of money to their prefer candidates rather than paying the fine and produce the STP that is stated in their contract. That is how they operate and with impunity. they also have dual citizenship, so that they can escape if there is a revolution or trouble here. Regarding Christian Esguerra man I wish you watch his other program and see for yourself if he is really truly a Filipino and which side is he fighting for, that native face of his should provide the answer but it is not and its an embarrassment for all of us.Lol you're a little harsh to that man's native good looks. I mean, who the heck are these supposed elites in the Philippines to be even critical of someone else's looks, I mean aside from the Zobel-Ayala clan (which are essentially European stock) they're not the political power players in your country are they?
Isko Moreno, yes he is a former actor, but compare to his predecessor Joseph Estrada who also is a former actor he is much better and less corrupt. He came from the slum and understand how the masses feel, he also had a history of gambling and was force to join forces with his predecessor as vice mayor to pay off his debt. In other words he is not clean and he admit it. Duterte took him under his wing , believing in him and support his mayoral election. His current performance in governance is like that of Duterte who is his idol, more action less talk, so he is popular but is grounded because of his past experience of political betrayal. In my country our politics is personality driven cause we set the bar so low after the EDSA REVOLUTION. During Marcos time there is a meritocracy in holding office now if you had good looks and preferably a Mestizo (mix race) you can win, were hoping this time around with Duterte legacy at an all time high people will vote for competency rather than a show.If these dumb ass elites are going for looks and supposed smarts then they maybe trying to entertain the current Mayor of Manila, who used to be an actor so the man can definitely put on a show.