What are you talking about? China just got it's semicondoctor industry shaken if not destroyed in terms of competitiveness for example. I feel bad for the chinese people, first being ruled by communism and now being pressed into service by some madman trying to take over the world. What America's gaff are you referring to? Are you going to pretend it didn't originate in wuhan and that china didn't let people fly all over the world spreading it? China has plans to do a lot of things but how is china 2025 for example coming along? We have had hypersonic icbms since the 1960s, also you can't know how many of these missiles you will have to salvo to do serious damage, we do have interceptors and they have been tested to have pretty high pk. You only have about 22 df-26's and it's unknown how many are antiship varients. They will have to get past layered defenses and probably EW and hit a moving target at least, maybe have its targeting network degraded as well so it's not that easy. Once you get within 2000km you get maybe about 250 ballistic missiles within range. and then there are the antiship cruise missiles but at that point they will be carried by platforms that are vulnerable. As to type-55 being the most modern and powerful I don't think so, it is competetive with a burke or tico but seems to still have inferior radar performance by what little information was given. It has decent VLS volume but they are currently outnumbered. It might have a reduced radar cross section compared to burke and tico but it's no zumwalt. Overall it's decent but saying its the most powerful is probably a stretch.
Fonops continue and pushing the phillipines around isn't impressive. First you need the victory don't count chickens before they hatch.
Fonops continue and pushing the phillipines around isn't impressive. First you need the victory don't count chickens before they hatch.